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I don't know if I was excited or not , it was a mix of emotions . There was nothing I wanted more than for Theo to embrace his little side , and well, prayers answered cause he was absolutely little .
I mean, use the diaper little .

It was kinda making it hard for the doctors to assess his condition both physically and mentally, but they were very professional about it.
He got some tests done in the morning. Everything appeared to be healing up nicely. He wasn't showing any signs of trauma, but like I said , his little space wasn't making it easy .

" Mr.Stadock,  a minute, please ."
I silently closed the door , Theo was down for a nap after crying his eyes out when he got an injection. But there was no way he was getting out of it. He needs the immune boost .

" So sir , I know this is a lot to ask or almost impossible, but we need you to get him out of his headspace. Personally, I know close to nothing about that, but we have to give out his statement, and he needs to identify the men being held by the police.
He also needs to verbally tell us what he feels so we know the way forward. "

" I'm sorry that you're having a hard time, doctor, but forcing him to do something right now could prove to cause more harm than good .
His headspace is there for a reason , to be a safe space for him.  So, the fact that he chose to be little right now should speak for itself. He's not okay . I know that as his daddy or someone experienced in the DDLG dynamic.
I'll try and get him comfortable enough to either be a bit big or completely big. It will need patience and as for the police .
Just tell them I don't need their presence hovering around Theo , there making him more nervous.  The same pace they used when looking for him is the one they should apply to serving him justice.
I'll get back to him. Good day."

I sat by the armchair and watched him . Over the last couple of hours, we had decorated the place to be more comfortable.  I had a changing station for him, a play area, and even a little bottle preparation area. It was basically a full house .

I was working full time from here , Xander attended any urgent meetings that needed our physical interface.
Speaking of Xander , Charly really wanted to see Theo, and since he was better now, I thought it would be a good idea to let them play together.

I sent my friend a quick message asking him to bring Charly over when he was free , and then I got working on some emails .

After about an hour, I was done . I made myself a coffee and watched Theo some more ,my favourite pass time activity .

" Hey there, bud , sleep well?" I held out my arms, and he climbed into them slowly .
"How are you feeling, amor ?" He hadn't uttered a word , I kept talking to him in the hopes that he would actually answer me .
He started suckling on his fingers, and I took the out, offered him a bottle, which he gladly took. Afterwards, he had a quick shower, and I changed him into some comfortable clothes.  Seeing the scars on his back did things to me .

" Theo ?" I had him seated on the bathroom countertop as I made his hair ." Will you be big for Daddy ? we need your help to catch the bad men . I know it's hard for you, but try okay, baby ." I kissed his forehead and took him back to his room.

Immediately after Charly arrived, he had with him a big teddy bear . It was so big that he was dragging it . He also had on a cute onesie and a pacifier in his mouth.

" He wouldn't let me help him . How are you, man ?" Xander gave me a quick hug.
" I'm good. Thanks a lot ."
We watched as Theo stared at the teddy in awe.
" Is for you. Sorry, I have owie . Get better, pwease. " They were honestly the cutest .
Together, they managed to place it on the bed and then started playing with some toys .
" So what did the doctors say so far ?"

" They want me to get him out of headspace.  He hasn't spoken a word, and we need his statement and for him to identify those in custody. "

" That's rough . How are you supposed to get him out of it. It's called safespace for a reason. "
" I talked to him, asked him to do it himself.  I can't tell if he understood or not . I'll have to wait . He's been through a lot. I honestly don't want to get him distressed in any way ."

After that, we fell into a comfortable silence watching them play . I mean, I had heard of ways to get them out of headspace. I just didn't want to try them out on him.

That was pretty much how the day ended. He had dinner and a bottle, then fell back to sleep .  That morning, I had a really important business meeting. One of my top investors was coming into the country.  I needed to be there, and so did Xander.  So we agreed that instead of taking Charly to daycare , him and the nanny would come and keep Theo company in the hospital.

I woke up very early ,prepared myself, and kissed Theo goodbye , thankfully, he was still asleep . Charly would come later that morning.
I made sure to remind the nurses that I didn't want anybody other than those I've allowed near him .

I had to get my A game straight on , this was a very important meeting I couldn't afford to be absent-minded.

Sorry for the disappearance stunt I pulled 😂😂shit happened but I'm back now , will be super active.

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