why do I think people suck?

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First thing is, people are rude. I can't trust anyone because people can be kinda rude sometimes. For example, today I went on Snapchat. I found out that I was kicked out of a group for being inappropriate. How was I being inappropriate? I said that one of my other friends was sexy (as a joke) and there was a person that was younger in us in the group. The thing is, that same friend that said I was being inappropriate was saying that their internet sucked cock... Now their excuse was that they were mad. Makes no sense how they didn't get kicked out but I did.

Another thing, bullying (I know this prob sounds... Somewhat cringe idk) I have been bullied countless times and I have told adults at school because you're supposed to. They always take the bullies side. It's crazy how much I was bullied and it never got taken care of. I also told my parents and they actually made more of an effort to do something to make it stop, it never stopped because nobody else tried.

These are the reasons why I think people suck.

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