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First love always holds a special place in our hearts. The novelty of the feeling, like the first drops of dew on an untouched leaf, makes it special and unforgettable. I had heard about it since my childhood, and at first, I thought it was foolish and meaningless. However, everything changed when I finally experienced it myself; my perspective shifted, and I understood why everyone called it special.

It brings about a strange yet delightful feeling, making your heart race as if it might burst at any moment. Seeing them fills you with happiness, but you also feel a touch of jealousy when you notice them talking to other girls. It's as if butterflies are fluttering in your stomach. Time seems to fly when you're with them.

Initially, I thought it was just another crush, similar to the ones I had before. But then, I realized that it was my first love because it evoked entirely new emotions within me—feelings I had never encountered or experienced before.
But my first love wasn't that real because it was one-sided love.

His beautiful eyes, his bright and shining smile, his handsome face, and his fragrance – everything about him was perfect.

It was five years ago when I met my first love, "Lee Hyun Gyu." It was in my last year of high school when I was 18.

We met a week before returning to school at our teacher's house for private classes. I was with my friend, and he was with two of his female friends. He appeared to be close to them and affectionate with them. At first, the thoughts that crossed my mind were that he was a player, a popular boy whom every girl liked to date, a boy who enjoyed fooling around – that's what I was thinking. Then he started talking to me, and I looked at his handsome face; he had a youthful charm. I responded to him, and he conversed with me informally, as if we knew each other before – it was a bit strange. To be honest, I didn't like the group; I didn't feel comfortable around them, so before leaving, I asked my teacher to change the group and go back to my other group.

Then, when I returned home, I texted my friend to ask if she knew him. She told me that they studied together in primary school and used to sit together. She shared some stories about their time as classmates and provided some information, mentioning that he lives in the neighborhood next door. She even showed me some photos from their school days. When she asked if I liked him, I denied it, but the truth was that I had already started developing feelings for him and found myself interested in him.

We went back to school, and to my surprise, he was in the same class. Day by day, my feelings for him grew deeper, and I couldn't help but notice that he changed the way he talked a little bit. He was always respectful, not just to me but to everyone, including teachers. His good behavior and attitude made him even more endearing. It seemed like everyone in the class, especially girls, liked him. I noticed that many of them had a crush on him, and any girl who talked to him would fall for him and try to get close to him. These situations sometimes made me feel jealous and angry.

I heard that his father had passed away a few months before we returned to school, and I also found out that he had a girlfriend.

Everything was going well; sometimes we talked, but not too much. I was introverted and shy around people who weren't close to me, unlike the other girls. Sometimes, he did things that annoyed me and made me angry to the point where I felt like saying to myself and my friends that it's over. However, just one word from him and a gaze into his eyes would make me melt, causing me to forget everything he did and fall in love with him all over again. He had the ability to control my emotions.

The first term ended, and the holidays came. After the holidays, when we started the second term, something unexpected happened. He changed; he started acting differently, turning into another person. He became cold, mean, and rude. He even ignored me, making me feel like he hated me. That really hurt, and I felt a pain in my heart. I confided in my friends, and they told me not to worry, suggesting that maybe he wasn't in the mood or was dealing with some problems. However, as time went on, I noticed that he was only acting like that around me. I became confused and didn't know what to do. Thoughts started to flood my mind; did I say or do something to hurt him? Did I talk badly about him? All these thoughts crossed my mind.

I wanted to ask why he was acting that way, but we weren't that close, and my pride didn't allow me to confront him directly. However, what really confused me was that sometimes he treated me normally, and other times, when I asked him something, he replied politely but with short answers. Even in private classes, he switched from his group to mine and greeted all of us.

Eventually, I decided to treat him the same way he was treating me. School ended, and we finally graduated from high school. From that day on, we never met again. He unfollowed me on Instagram, which made me sad and angry, so I unfollowed and blocked him as well.

Days passed, but I couldn't stop thinking about him, constantly questioning why he had changed. I couldn't move on from him; I even cried over the situation. I tried to meet other guys and talk to them, but it was futile. I found myself comparing them to him, always thinking that he was better than anyone else.

I held onto the hope that we might meet again by chance. Sometimes, I saw his friend because he lived in my neighborhood, but I never got the opportunity to meet Lee Hyun Gyu again.

Five years have passed, and I'm still stuck in the past, feeling a mix of love, hate, and anger at the same time. I find myself wanting to kill and hit him. I keep pondering the same questions in my mind, feeling foolish for doing so.

Why did he change?
Is there a genuine reason for his change, or did he change for no apparent reason?
Does he hate me? Does he still remember me?
How has he changed? What does he look like now?
Will we ever meet again? How will he react?
Will he pretend not to see me and ignore me? Or will he act as if nothing happened and talk to me normally?

That was my first love story. It was both sweet and bitter, a magical cure yet hurtful, a good experience but also bad.

Will I be able to forget him one day?
Will I fall in love again with someone new?
Will I find someone better than him?


This the first time i'm writing a novel so i'm not that good .

P.S: I watched lately Doom At Your Service. And i inspired my novel and got ideas from it. So you'll may find some lines and scenes same as this drama and i recommend it to watch it .

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