|[ Watercolored Eyes ]|

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I surveyed the exterior of the large wooden oak tree that I had met Nikolai at a day prior.

I was completely aware of his presence now, as I looked up at a large wooden branch that protruded out of the trunk of its host. I could see him, sitting there, like always. Staring into the full extent of my face, body, my very being and existence. It was as if he was studying me to my core. And I couldn't help but return such a thing as I gazed deeply into those stunning eyes of his.

His handsome features seemed to glow in the afternoon light. The purple and pink washed skies only made me fall deeper into his electrifying disposition. It was as if I was sinking into a vast pool of water and there was absolutely no way for me to escape. But the catch was... I could breathe in that space, without even struggling for a single bit of oxygen. It was so mesmerizing, I couldn't help but get caught in such a trance. That was something that would never change.

He would never changed. At least, not in my eyes. He would always be my Nikolai. The one I came to visit and hang out with after several grueling hours of schoolwork and lectures. The one who helped me through my darkest of times throughout my life. My one and only that I will cherish through the reaches of my dreams no matter what devilish hell may scorch itself upon us. No matter what, I will always be there for him as he is for me.

I could see his grinning face searing down at me with a hot tempest aura of the sweetest sugar imaginable. I didn't think it was possible for somebody to come off as this neutral and amiable. It was making me shiver with apprehension, my cheeks slightly flushed as he waved over to me and giggled from all the way up in that tall, gnarled, oak tree. His exceptionally pale and soft features made me aware that he was indeed trying to call over to me all the way from the gravel trail that I was walking on.

And I couldn't help but accept his offer with plenty of pleasure gathering in the pit of my stomach. I sighed and took a few eager steps forwards, towards the one person I had been looking forwards to seeing all day. My feet crunched against each and every spec of gravel that I treaded upon and it made my ears cry out in bloody pain. But I couldn't turn back now, my face winced at every single detail of the revolting screech of the rocks that decided to enter into the canal of my ears.

But I payed no further mind to it. My mind wouldn't let me worry about something like that as of right now. All I could think about was the fact that my heart was racing at the thought of what had occurred in todays forecast.

And that 'forecast' was the fact that the imbecile Dazai had exposed me to both Chuuya and Ivan, and if that wasn't enough... I could practically hear that suicidal idiot preaching about Nikolai and I's relationship to almost everybody in that damned school by now. It was still traumatic and painful for me to even try and consider such a thing... but that didn't stop me from imagining it.

Shaking my head to empty it of all my excess thoughts and imaginations. I couldn't afford to waste efforts in thinking about Dazai, he didn't matter right now. Neither did Ivan, or Chuuya. None of them mattered. So there's no point in depleting my precious energy in caring about them.

The slight blush pink layer that was applied to the tone of my cheeks was starting to dissipate back into the top of my skin. My back felt somewhat heavy, even though there was virtually nothing inside of my backpack. But it was bothering me nonetheless so I decided to drop it and leave it behind. Letting the two black straps slip off of my shoulders, I abandoned it next to the tree that Nikolai was currently stationed in. Leaning it against the wooden trunk I looked up at him and rolled my eyes, I then placed my 'diary' on top of the bag. I was half expecting him to call for me to come up to him in that tree, which was completely out of the question for me since I was way to feeble and weak to even try and attempt at such an activity.
But he didn't. Which surprised me to the extent that I just tipped my head at him and awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck. I didn't know what he was playing at... he called me over so cheerfully, yet he didn't show any fresh signs of trying to get out of the tree and greet me.

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