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"Momma, who was that?" Eugene asked as we returned to the house.

"No one for you to worry about." I looked over at John and Abigail. "Can I talk to you two?" I gestured towards the kitchen.

They nodded and stood, following us. I stood at the end of the counter and leaned against it.

"Was that Javier?" Abigail asked.

I nodded. "He heard about Dutch," I rubbed my face, "and he ain't too happy about it."

"How the hell did he find us?" John asked, scratching his beard.

"I ain't sure, but I'm sure as shit ain't too happy about it."

"Who would be?" John replied.

I chuckled lightly. "Nobody," I let out a heavy sigh, "this has got to stop. We can't keep putting our families through this shit."

Bria came into the kitchen, Jeremiah on her hip. She shifted him as he ate a hamburger patty. "Is everything okay?"

I let out a sigh, rubbing the back of my neck. I looked over to Arthur. "Should we tell 'em?"

Arthur glanced at his daughter before looking back over to me. "Yeah, I think it's time."

I gestured towards the living room where Eugene and Henry waited. I sat down next to Eugene, Bria on the other side of him next to Henry. She placed Jeremiah down on the ground and he waddled over to his toy box. Arthur sat in the armchair next to me and John stood behind Abigail from where she sat.

I took in a deep breath. "You two remember about the gang we told you about?"

Eugene nodded. "I can't remember the name, but I remember hearing about it."

"Well, that was an old gang member we were close with," I took in another breath, "and he was angry that we killed Dutch."

"That man who showed up when Bria gave birth?" Eugene asked, glancing between me and his father.

Arthur nodded. "Dutch was," he paused, looking for words, "well, he was a bad man. He wasn't at first, but he slowly lost all sanity."

Bria nodded slowly. "He claimed he was our grandpa."

I quickly shook my head. "He wasn't. And he never will be."

Eugene grabbed his sisters hand, giving it a light squeeze. "So, who is our grandfather?"

Arthur chuckled, looking up at John. "Hosea was."

John smiled. "He was a good man."

I looked over to my kids. "As was my father, Eugene," I reached over and patted my sons knee. "And your Pa's father, Lyle."

Eugene grinned. "My first and middle name."

I nodded. "Jack helped us pick your name."

"What about our grandmothers?"

"Beatrice Morgan and Maria Louis."

Bria smiled. "A mix of my name."

"That's correct." Arthur nodded. He then looked down at Jeremiah, who was hugging his leg. He chuckled and ruffled the little boys hair.


Arthur, myself, Bria, and Eugene stayed up a little later than expected. Jeremiah was in bed, sound asleep, and Henry had already left. From what I understand, Eugene made an effort with him today. Arthur and Bria were outside in the barn when I approached him about it. Arthur hadn't spent a lot of time with Bria here lately so he wanted to make an effort.

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