Sex stays indoors

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Part two to the last chapter. Just cuz I want to write more punk Izzy with Cowboy Slash <3

*Slash's POV*
I drove up into the driveway after dropping Izzy off at home. I jumped outta my truck and my dad wrapped his arm around me. "What's up kiddo?" "Whole lotta nothing. Izzy's gonna finish up our art project. All I have to do is write the paper. Then was gonna go check up on the baby goats." He sat down on the picnic table and tapped the table in front of him. "Sit, haven't really got talk to talk to you this week." I nodded and sat down.

He looked me over. "So you gotta girlfriend yet?" I shook my head, technically I wasn't lying. "Then what's Izzy?" I laughed, looking down at my lap sorta embarrassed. "He's my friend." "Izzy isn't a woman?" I shook my head, still laughing. "Nope." He started laughing with me. "Guess I only really caught a glimpse of him." "It's okay I see the confusion."

He tapped his fist of the table. "Then you'll understand why I'm confused on why bitchey neighbors Nox told me this mornin about last nights quote, weird noises, coming from the old pasture. Cuz the only person I know was here last night is Izzy." I dropped my head on the wooden surface. I really didn't know what to say. The secret i've held since I was in seventh grade is finally out. I lifted my head up and ran my hands over my face.

My dad grabbed my arm. "Be honest with me kiddo, you into men?" I slowly nodded, my eyes burning because i'm trying not to cry. "Fuck dad, i'm sorry. Know you had so much hope in me being normal." He shook his head. "You are normal. There's no need to be sorry." I pulled my arm away from him. "But mom always said." He cut me off. "Mom doesn't need to know. Does he make you happy?" I slowly nodded. "Then I have no reason to be against it."

He stood up and headed into the house. But he stopped in the doorway. "Hey one more thing." I looked up at him. "Yeah?" "You have a perfectly good bed in the house. Keep the weed smoking outside and the sex having inside." I laughed at nodded. "Sorry. I'll keep that in mind." He nodded before finally going inside. I just had to stay sitting there, thinking about what just happened.

--Sunday night--

There was a knock on my door and I got up to open it. I pulled the door open and my dad was standing there. "You're boyfriends in the living room. He didn't want to come bother you incase you where busy." I smiled and pushed past him. I ran to the living room and jumped onto the couch next to him. "Whats up sugar!" He looked at me. Black eye and a busted lip. I crawled onto his lap and held his face. "What happened?" "Step mom called and told my father she smelt weed on me Saturday mornin. He just got home from his trip an hour ago. Swung first, asked questions last."

I ran my thumb over his lips. "Fuck this is all my fault." My dad tapped me on my shoulder and handed me a wet wash cloth and an ice pack. I pressed the ice pack on his eye, then wiped off the dried up blood. "Guessing you wanna stay here tonight?" He nodded. "Have you had dinner yet?" He shook his head. "Dad! Can you make more spaghetti so Izzy can eat?" "Yeah, it'll take about ten minutes." "That's alright." I set the washcloth on my leg, bringing my hand back up to push his hair back. "Did he get ya anywhere else?" "No, but fucked up my knees skating here, i'm sure it's bleeding." "Can I see?" He nodded.

He nudged me off his lap and tugged his sweatpants down. His knee was cut wide open, the black sweatpants didn't allow the blood to show. "Jesus christ. Can my dad look at it? He use to help wrap up bull riders when they got hurt." Izzy nodded so I stood up and made my way into the kitchen. He was standing at the sink draining pasta. "Umm, Izzy fucked up his leg, bloods fucking everywhere." He grabbed the kitchen towel and walked into the living room. "Jesus kid how did you do this." My dad had to towel pressed against Izzys knee." "Just fell off my skateboard."

  I sat in the living room waiting for Izzy and my dad to be done in the bathroom. The bathrooms too small for three people and my dad didn't want blood all over the living room floor. "Izzy walked out in his boxers and white bandages tightly around his knee. I stood up and held my arms out. He stepped into my embrace and I kissed him. He pulled back. "Your dads right there." I shrugged. "He knows, you moaned too loud the other night and the neighbor tattled. Don't worry, he's chill with it. He did think you where a women though." Izzy chuckled and shook his head. "It's okay, it happens."

I got close to his ear. "Also said keep sex in the house, so no more uncomfortable rock sex." I pulled back and saw Izzy blushing. "Come on, we gotta get food in your system. I never see you eat much." He nodded, allowing me to pull him into the kitchen.

  After dinner me and Izzy laid snuggled in my bed. Some radio station was playing in the background. I gently held his neck as I kissed him. "You're so fucking pretty." He shook his head. "I wasn't even pretty before, definitely not now." "Shut the fuck up Izzy. You're the prettiest thing i've ever laid eyes on." My grip on his neck tightened as I kissed him roughly. His hand traveled down my stomach to my pants. "Never got you off the other day."

His other hand came down to open my pants. He pulled my dick out, running his finger over the bottom then over the tip. I tensed up when his hand wrapped around me. "No need to tense up, I got you." He brung his hand up and spit on it. Then wrapped it back around me. The way he moved his hand was teasing. His finger ran over my tip then slowly ran down to the base.

His fingers where now covered in my precum. He used it to spread down my dick then he wiped his hand on my stomach. He ran his finger around the very base of my cock then down over my balls. When he wrapped his hand back around me I fucked up into it. "Please Izzy." I grabbed his shirt, rocking into him. "I'm close." After I said that I he stopped touching me. Pulling his hand away. I whined and fucked my hips up. "Don't worry I'm taking care of you. You're gonna feel extra good."

He started to slowly jerk me off again. "Tell me when you're close again." I nodded. Hands tightening on his shirt. "Iz.." He pulled his hand off me again. At this point I could cum from him looking at me. "Please Izzy." He reached down, avoided my dick, and grabbed my thigh. He slowly ran his hand up and down my thigh. He ghosted his hand over my dick, making no effort to actually touch me. "Cum for me baby." Just like my body didn't want to disappoint him i was shooting all over his hand.

  I shoved my face into the bed until I knew I could be quiet. When I lifted my head Izzy was licking my load off his hand. I wanted to be disgusted but I just couldn't. I moaned at just seeing him suck on his fingers. He took his fingers from his mouth and wiped them on his shirt. "Jesus, if you moan from seeing me suck on my own fingers wonder how you sound when i'm sucking on your dick."

  I was still looking at him, not sure what to say. "Fuck that felt good." He pulled my underwear back up, leaving my jeans open. "When you know what you're doing you can do that for hours." "So you have experience?" "Do it to myself when i'm bored." I ran my hand over his back. "Why doesn't that surprise me?" He shrugged. "Gotta get creative when most people wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. You're one of the first people to actually stick around long enough to actually get to know me."

  I brung my hand up and pushed his hair back. "And i'm so happy I did." I kissed him. "Still sorry for calling you a fag that day. Guess I need to learn how to watch my mouth." He shook his head. "I just had my guard up, it's not your fault. Besides if you hadn't we probably wouldn't be here right now." I smiled, looking up at him. "Glad you look at it like that."

We where quiet for a little bit. Just enjoying each other and listening to the radio. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before I fell asleep. "Fuck its eight. Wanna follow me to feed the baby goats? We also got barn cats if you wanna play with them." He sat up and nodded. "Alright go grab a pair of pants from my closet and throw on a pair of boots. I'll be in the barn kitchen getting bottles ready." I kissed him but before he could pull away he pulled me back in. "Love you Slash." I smiled. "Love you too sugar."

~1635 words

If you want more of them, I'll definitely write more. I love this duo so much you don't understand.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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