You're my art piece (Ferard)

398 2 2

  Part 2 is before this so if you skipped that this probably won't make sense.

//Trigger warnings: Homophobia//

  *Frank's POV*

  It's been a week since Gerard saved me. He hasn't pushed me to go back home but has told me I should let my family know i'm alive. He is right, my dad is probably worried sick. But i'll go home soon, Gerard probably wants his bed to himself. We've come to terms that i'd rather snuggle with him then be left alone.  He's gone a few hours of the day in school so I'm usually by myself. Gerard gave me a sketchbook to draw and write down my thoughts. It helped a lot. I also haven't hurt myself, mainly because Gerard wont let me leave his sight when he's around and locked all the sharp things up, but it still counts.

   Gerard walked in and set his backpack down. He walked over and kissed my forehead. "How was your day?" He asked sitting down next to me on the couch. "Good. I drew a bit and watched some movies." I laid my head on his shoulder. "Anything you wanna show me today?" I nodded and reached over to grab my sketchbook. I flipped open and showed Gerard something I drew. It was my arm with the bandages and around it said 'Your like a art piece'. Gerard smiled.  "So my words stuck with you?" I nodded and Gerard handed me the sketchbook back.

"Hey Gerard." "Hm?" "Can you drive me home." "Of course. But are you gonna stay? You can always stay here." I shrugged. "You need your own space and I invade your bed every night." Gerard shrugged. "Its nice not waking up to a empty apartment every morning. Besides your coffee mug would never be used if you didn't use it. I'm not forcing you to stay but I don't want you to downward spiral again if you go home." I snuggled into his side. "I promise I won't. If I have any problems i'll come too you. I have a phone it's just at home." Then Gerard grabbed a sharpie and wrote his number on my hand. "When do you wanna leave?" "Later, I like snuggling with you."


   Gerard held my hand as we walked up to my door. "Hey." I looked up at him. "Your a piece of art, don't let them be an eraser." He said then kissed my forehead. I walked up to the door and walked in. Ray was sitting there and instantly turned his head when he heard the door shut. He jumped up and hugged me. "OH MY FUCKING GOD YOUR ALIVE." He said looking around my body. He hugged me again. "Ray. Please. Y...suffocating me." He let go of me and looked over me again. "Please don't ever fucking scare me like that again."

  My dad then walked around the corner looking like he just got done crying. I walked up to him and hugged him. Tears falling down my cheeks. "I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry dad. Please forgive me." He hugged me back. "I was so lost without you. I found the note and I thought you where gone for good." I shook my head. I pointed to Gerard. "He saved me. He stopped me from ending it." I then saw Ray hug Gerard. "Thank you saving him. I don't know what I would do without him." My dad hummed in agreement with Ray. Gerard shrugged "I know what its like to be that low in life. I was there once. I saw him about to jump and everything in me told me to go save him."

   After awhile of everyone hugging me to death my dad made coffee and we all sat down at the table. "Where's mom and grandma?" "They left like an hour ago." "Oh.." Ray scoffed. "You should tell him Frank. Me and Gerard are right here to back you up." Gerard nodded. With that I started telling my dad about the abuse. How my mom physically hits me and how grandma talks me down. How I started self harming over it and its why I went to go die. He looked shocked. "Thats not the women I married... why didn't you tell me sooner?" "You looked so happy together I didn't wanna ruin it.." "Frank your more important then my marriage. I don't care if she's your mother, no mother should treat her own child like that." I shrugged. "Frank you are very important. You're my only child and I want to protect you." I nodded. "Now when your mother comes home don't say anything too her, okay?" I nodded

   Gerard popped in. "I could take him back with me...if thats okay with you Mr. Iero." "It's up to Frankie." Gerard looked at me. "Can I take a few of my things with me?' "Of course you can." I smiled and laid my head on Gerard's shoulder. Ray smiled. "Does Frankie have a crush?" He said and smirked. "Shut up Ray. Keep your heterosexual nose out of this." Gerard laughed. Maybe I do have a crush. "Oh yeah Frank." My dad held out my phone. "Found this on the floor. Your grandma wanted to snoop but I didn't let her. Your 18 you deserve privacy. Beside I don't wanna know whats on that phone." Ray laughed. "Probably porn." "I DO NOT WATCH PORN!" "Is Frankie lonely." Gerard teased and I sunk down in my chair and disappeared underneath the table. "Frank where just joking." Ray said. "But not in front of my dad." My dad looked under the table. "I was your age once too. I'm no dumbass."

   I sighed as Gerard pulled me out from underneath the table. "Come on Frank its not good to lie." I gave him the death stare and he kissed my forehead. "Your cute when your mad."  I now wanted to die as I blushed like a idiot. "Wanna go start getting your stuff?" I nodded. I grabbed his hands and pulled him up to my room. Then thats when I saw it, my pride flag on the floor half burned. I wanted to cry bit I couldn't, it was a stupid reason to cry. Gerard pulled me into a hug. "Woah, they really are assholes."


  I looked around the room. The few things i brought where all in the room and I even got half of the closet. Gerard pulled me into a hug. "While you where unpacking I ordered you something. Should be here next week." I looked up at him. "What is it." "Secret." I pouted. "Hey don't get all sad on me. Put a smile back on your face. "Make me." He then pushed me up against the wall and kissed me. I kissed back and grabbed his sides to keep me steady. I pulled back panting. "Was that okay?" "Please do it again." Gerard. Nodded and held me to the wall as he kissed me. He picked me up half way through and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I laid my head on his shoulder until I caught my breath, his hands on my ass holding me up. "How about we go eat that chocolate ice cream and go watch some horror movies." I nodded and Gerard carried me with him.


  Me and Gerard walked into the skate park. Gerard bought a skateboard so he could skate with me. "Come on Gee, it's ten. No one comes here in the dark." He rolled his eyes. "I'll look like a idiot." "Everyone starts somewhere. First time I skateboarded i busted my lip open." "Ughh..fine cuz I love you." Gerard put a helmet on. I showed him how to get on the bored and how to move. I got on my bored and held my hands out. "Hang into me." He nodded and gripped my arms. We started skating around and I would fall with Gerard when he fell. Then I let go of him. "Remember don't lock your knees and just move with your bored." He nodded and started slowly skating around.  "You wanna try any tricks." He shook his head. "I don't wanna die." "Well thats no fun." He gave me a serious look. "It was a joke I promise." "Better be" he said kissing my forehead.

——A year later——

   Me and Gerard set the last of the boxes down. "You sure your ready to live with me forever." I nodded and hugged him. "I'm so proud of you Frankie." Gerard had been with me know through the thick and thin. I ended up relapsing a few months ago but I've been clean since. I was now nineteen but still stayed close with my dad. He divorced my mom and ended up finding another great women. My mom contacts me check up on me, I am still her son. My grandma was now in a nursing home so I go see my mother sometimes. She was in therapy trying to get better and I appreciate it. Gerard found out he's soon gonna be a uncle and I encouraged my dad to try for another kid but he still thinks he would be replacing me. The women he's dating also has a fourteen your old son who's really cool. I also promised Gerard after we got married we could adopt and he's all for it.

   "Now I can have my art room, you can have a music room, we finally have a room big enough for a bigger bed, and a storage room that will probably become a kids room." I nodded. "Maybe we can start a band, your good at singing." Gerard shrugged. "Ray plays guitar, I know a dude who plays drums, and Mikey said he plays bass." "I'll think about it." He said and kissed me on my forehead. "I've always like your forehead kisses." "Good cuz i'm not gonna stop doing them."

~1661 words

Requests >>>>

Chapter question: Whats the one thing you'll draw over and over again. I draw Joey Jordison and a character I made named Tooth.

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