"And you called me the fag"

334 4 1

Country Cowboy Slash
Crust Punk Izzy

   *Izzys POV*
   I threw the Marker back in my bag since the bell was about to ring. I pulled my sleeve down so the teacher wouldn't yell at me for drawing on my arm. "Alright get up and pick your partners. Your project has to be done next week Friday." The class got up and moved around. I stayed in my seat hoping I can work alone.

  Everyone sat down and the teacher looked around. "Slash, Izzy, wheres your partners?" "Can I work alone. I'll get it done faster." "Stradlin would you like to loose half of your points? The whole point of this art project is to take two ideas and put them into one." I rolled my eyes and got up to sit next to Slash. We looked at each other then ignored each other. Everyone was chatting while me and Slash sat in silence.

  "Alright class sense some of you aren't understanding. Both of you are gonna pick a thing you're really interested in. Then you're gonna combine it into one. You can paint, draw, sculpt, or anything as long as its creative. We will be working on it in class a few days but you're welcomed to meet outside of school. Any questions?" The room sat in silence then the bell rung. "Alright have a good day!"


  I grabbed a bag of chips out of the vending machine and walked outside to sit at my usual spot at the outside tables. Its was fucking hot out so I took my jacket off and threw it on the other seat. Not to long after sitting down Slash came over and sat down next me. "What the fuck do you want." "Damn just because you're a emo kid doesn't mean you have to be a asshole." I rolled my eyes and stood up. I grabbed my jacket. "Im not fucking emo. Im punk theres a major difference." I heard him giggle as I walked away.

—Few days later—

  I walked out of the school and it was fucking pouring. I looked around for Steven if he could maybe give me a ride. Then I remembered Steven don't have last hour so he leaves early. I saw Slash across the parking lot start up his loud ass pick up truck. I decided just to say fuck it at and skateboard in the rain. Just as I threw my bored down Slash pulled up next to me,windows down, blasting Aerosmith. "Need a ride punk boy? We need to get along at some point for this fucking project." "Fuck a ride would be nice I guess. Riding three miles in the rain doesn't sound fun." "Kay throw your board in the backseat pretty boy."

I threw my skateboard in the backseat. "Turn to the left out of the parking lot." Slash turned to the right. "Do you not listen!?" "I do listen but im hungry. What do you like to eat?" "I don't have my wallet on me." "Okay...what do you want to eat? Theres this really good burger restaurant down by the record store." "Its your money."

I walked into the restaurant behind Slash. "Only two people today?" The waitress asked and he nodded. He sets down at a two person booth and took our drink orders. "So about the stupid project, what do you even like?" "Umm music, skateboarding, guitar, and cats. What do you like?" "Music, cars, cows, and guitar." "Why the fuck cows?" "Because I live on a farm, where we raise cows faggot."

  I looked at him shocked. I stood up, pissed off. "I thought we could get along. I'll call Steven." I flipped him off and walked out the door.

  *Slash's  POV*
  I watched him walk out. I wanted to to follow him but I didn't have the balls too. I looked at the empty seat in front of me. He left his jacket. I grabbed it and looked at. God I'm such a fucking idiot to not notice the huge rainbow patch on the shoulder. I go to make one friend and I fuck it up. Of course I do.

   I sit in the parking lot. Do I really wanna go to school today. At the moment I feel like I'm twenty feet away from hell. Then I saw Izzy pull up on his skateboard and decided it was worth it. I rolled down my window as he skated by. "Izzy! Izzy I know I'm a asshole but I got your jacket." He stopped at my truck window. "I know you wont like me but but im so fucking sorry. It just slipped and I don't even know why I said it. " He looked at me and took a deep breath.

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