Path To Liberation, The Vixen's revenge (Chap 35)

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Synopsis: The Vixen, Ms Roohi Shafi has returned to HIS in order to get her revenge on Hou Ren. However before that, Daryl stepped in and took Hou Ren's place and challenge her to a match. Will Daryl Succeed?

Anime Opening: Black & White by Argonavis

Episode Card: Path To Liberation, The Vixen's revenge

The Scene begins with Ion Commentating Once Again In Hou Ren's Prison.

Ion: Daryl will go first.

Daryl: Draw, charge and draw. I equip, Kaus Alnasl. (Equipped Kaus Alnasl)

Daryl's gauge: 3-> 2

Daryl's hand: 7 -> 6

Daryl then shoots his bow at the target and deals 2 damage to Miss Shafi.

Shafi's Life: 10 -> 8

Daryl: That's it from me.

Ms Shafi: Daryl, Daryl, Daryl. I assure you that you have made the biggest mistake of your life. When I'm done with you all, you're next Hou Ren.  Draw, charge and Draw. I equip, virus scythe.

Shafi's gauge: 3 -> 2

Gwen: A new item right off the bat.....

Shafi: I buddycall Immolizer to the right. 

Immolizer enters to the right.

Hou Ren: Immobolizer......

Shafi: To the left, I call infector "trojan".

Trojan enters the left.

Daryl: Wait a sec, I don't remember that card being placed in her deck.

Shafi: I have grown stronger Daryl. Trojan's effect. Look at the top 3 cards of my deck, add another virus card to my hand while send the rest to the dropzone. Immobolizer attack the fighter. It's effect let's me discard a card and infect Kaus Alnasl and I gain 1 life.

Kaus Alnasl is flipped and cannot be used until end of turn.

Daryl's life: 10 -> 7

Shafi's Life: 8 -> 9 -> 10

Shafi: Immobolizer has double attack. 

Daryl: I cast, earth barrier.

Daryl's Life: 7 -> 8

Shafi: Trojan you're next.

Daryl's Life: 8 -> 7

Shafi: Virus Scythe.

Daryl's Life: 7 -> 4

Shiloh: Uh Oh....

Daryl: It's okay Shiloh. I'm alright.

Shafi: We'll see, activating my scythe's effect. I infect an opponent's card when it succesfully dealt damage. Also, with the effect of Trojan, I call the top card of the opponent's deck as an infected card.

Kaus Alnasl is infected and Tink appears from the deck as an infected monster on the right.

Daryl:(Sarcastic) Great, I have one but Now I have Two?

Shafi: My turn is over.

Hou Ren: 4 attacks in total and Daryl is down to 4 life. 

Garga: Worst, Daryl also have 2 infected cards.

Shiloh: This is going to be tricky.

Daryl: Draw, charge and draw.

Shafi: Daryl.

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