{Chapter One: The Flat Tire}

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||TW. Mention of past trauma.||

Robin stared at the counter's digital clock.

-02:56 PM-

"I swear I'm going to end him." Robin thought. Steve was almost an hour late to his shift at the video store. The store was completely empty, and Robin had already organized almost all the videotapes people had returned that day. She cleaned the counter at least four times and made sure all the shelves were perfectly arranged. She even moped the floor.

"I've been here since eight! Sharp!" She started rambling to herself, walking around the shelves. "Of course, that moron had to be late. I don't even have a license, but I'm never late!" She stopped for a moment. "Well, maybe I am late sometimes, but never this much! It's almost been a whole hour, come on!"

"Are you done?" A soft voice emerged from behind her. Robin, scared, turned around, just to find an amused Nancy. She was leaning on one of the shelves, arms crossed, and smiling. She was wearing a sky blue t-shirt and denim shorts with white shoes. Robin stared at her, happy that she was there. Since they fought against Vecna together, they had become closer and closer each day, helping Hawkins to get back to normal. Robin felt so happy to have more friends, even if they met by having to save the world together.

"Nance!" Robin immediately approached her with a smile on her face. "What are you doing here? How did you get here without ringing the doorbell?"

"You were too busy hating on something to hear me." Nancy sighted, smiling. "As for why I am here, well, you know my parents are gone for the whole summer, and Mike literally just kicked me out of the house, so I felt like coming here to say hi." She explained. "Isn't Steve supposed to be here?"

"Yeah, but he isn't here, as you can see." Robin looked thru the shop window. "Wait. Mike kicked you out?" She got her gaze back at Nancy, confused.

"Well, imagine your parents being gone to Florida for three months. If I had one, I wouldn't like my older sister to be around." The journalist explained, giggling. "He promised to behave, and I also need some me-time before I leave to college next year, so I'll just go home from time to time to make sure he doesn't burn the house up. Plus, he'll do the chores himself."

"Uh..." Robin mumbled. "Then... Where do you plan to sleep?"

"That is a great question." Nancy uncrossed her arms and started walking towards the counter, where she leaned. Robin followed her and sat on top of the counter next to her, accidentally pushing off some tapes. Nancy continued. "I thought about telling Steve, but it would be kind of awkward. I mean, he's my ex after all, even tho we are just fine now..."

"I don't think you want to sleep under the same roof as Steve." Robin said, giggling. "Last time I went to his house, I found a taco under his sofa pillows. I don't think you'd last a day."

Nancy gave Robin an annoyed look, raising an eyebrow. "Excuse me? Are you underestimating me?"

Robin opened her eyes notoriously and shook her hands and head, denying. "What? Uh, no. Of course not! I bet you would clean his house from the floor to the roof in seconds." She smiled nervously. "I, I mean, not that you are there just for cleaning but, you get me."

"Robin, chill. I was just joking." Nancy laughed and let go of the counter, just to jump on top of it. "Anyways, I still don't have a clue what I'm going to do."

"You could sleep with me." Robin said, looking directly at Nancy's eyes.


"I mean, you could sleep at my house. My parents are also gone for some time so if you want to you can come with me. It would be nice having someone around." Robin explained, looking at her feet. "We've never really made an sleep over."

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