Chapter Two - Build Up

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With my first interview for drive to survive done. i also needed to do promo shots with Nikita and by myself for the team and then for pre season testing I would join all the drivers. Daisy, was drawing off to the side I looked at my pictures for the team and was grinning.

"Baby, come see this." I call over my daughter. She stops what she's doing and runs over to me. I point to the screen "You see these pictures?"


"These pictures are gonna be all over the place promoting Forula one and the fact that your Mommy is one of the drivers. you might see them when Pop takes you to school or when you're out shopping with Lovey or your Aunts" I tell her

"Cool." I jumped up and down "Can I take pictures in front of them?"

"Maybe. Or they maybe high up but then you have to shout that you've seen them." I laugh running my hand through her hair. "Shall we ring Pop and show her?"

"I'll do it." she ran over and grabbed my phone she was a savvy six year old. She called my Dad before she reached back to me and we both got in frame

"Hey my little champ, My little flower. how you doing?"

"We're fantastic. We got something to show you. You ready?"

"On the edge of my seat." I turned the camera around and show her the board with my new picture "Oh my God! Oh my God sweetheart. That's you!"

"It's Mommy!" Daisy Squealed in happiness 

"I'm so proud of you! When you're back home we're celebrating. All the family there." she insisted "I'm so proud, so proud." she was crying as I turned the camera back to me

"Don't cry. you'll set me off."

"You did it, your a Formula one driver. My daughter the F1 driver." she wiped away her tears. You show them what you got, you give them hell and look good while doing it."

"Always. I'll talk to you later, okay? Daisy say bye to Pop."

"Okay. I love you, my beautiful girls." we said out goodbyes and stood up.


"How does your daughter feel about you now travelling all over the world doing F1?"

"Daisy, right now is all right with it. She's grown up with me racing, she's come with me to races her entire life. For her Mommy being a race driver is cool because when she's with me she's like 'oh there are mainly boys doing what Mommy does' since she was about four. I've had the line of communication open if she has any questions about what I do. it's not a taboo subject she can ask me anything.

She has asked me why I race, or why I have to travel so much, do I wish I would stay at home with her. And I answer them honestly and age appropriate as possible. The one thing I keep telling her is I race because I love doing it, it makes me happy and its a passion of mine. I encorage her that there are some things that bring so much happiness to someone that not everyone gets it and thats okay as long as you do. And that I want her to have the most fulfilled life and the best way I can show her what that looks like is by doing what fulfils me which is being a driver and being her Mom. But at the same same time I'm modelling the fact that just because something is male dominated or because society says thats not the 'girl' thing to do. Don let it stop you from doing it."

Daisy and I sat down to do a you tube video. The two of us sat cross legged on the floor and I switched the camera on.

"You ready, sweetheart?"

"F.A.B." she stuck her thumbs up making me giggle.

"She's really into watching Thunderbirds at the moment." she started humming the tune and then both of us together wen 'Thunderbirds are go!'

"Okay. So hi welcome back to my channel. If you're new here I'm Kaia I was a F2 driver but I've recently signed on with Haas F1 team for the 2021 season. This is my daughter Daisy who sometimes makes appearances with me."

"Hey" she waved at the camera.

"So I put a poll up on instagram the other day, what do you want to see me do for videos before Its mainly all about F1 for the upcoming year. Daisy what does everyone want to see?" I look down at her.

"They wanna know how race smart I am. They don't think I know as much."

"I wouldn't say that but they wanna know how much you've picked up from being around racing your who life. So that's what we're gonna do, i then asked you to send questions in I picked 10 from the social and I picked 10 from my brain."

"mom's also written down how many she think I will get right."

"I did, I put it in this envelope" i held it up "So you can't see and there's not pressure. You ready?"

"Ready radio check."

"Check." I say to her making her laugh "You can totally tell you spend a lot of time with me. Okay you want a hard or easy one first."

"Tough one." she nodded firmly

"Okay. What does DRS stand for?" I question her and she scoffs

"Drag reduction system. DRS is only aloud when your within one second of the driver ahead introduced in 2011."

"My girl!" We high five one another. "Okay next one who are Mommy's favourite drivers in any order?"

"Sebastian Vettel, Daniel Ricciardo and Lewis Hamilton, that's in order" I smirk

"She's right. Do you have a favourite F1 driver?" I wonder

"You and Daniel Ricciardo. he's funny. Do you remeber the other day when you showed me the joke he made about Daniel Kyvatt being called Torpedo. He and lewis found that hilarious." she laughed


"No wait what about when he was talking to one of the people in the press conference and he used a Irish accent when the guy was actually scottish." the two of us started laughing so hard it was tough to stop "He was like top of the morning to ya. and the other guy was like. I'm scottish. EPIC FAIL!" she imitated what had happened

"no what about the time he made Lando cry with laughter during a press conference." My head fell back as she said that

"Okay I can't. We're gonna get hiccups at this rate. Oh my..." I took deep breaths "I'm gonna get us water." I got up and got us a couple of bottles then opened it for Daisy then handed it to her before opening my own.

"Right, next question." I coughed a little " three questions in and we're crying with laughter. Can you name the points you get for what position.?"

"First ten places you get points" she then listed the place and the points. She answered twenty questions and got 18 right.

"Okay here is my prediction." i showed it to the camera "I said 17 to 20 right and you got 18."

"Yes!" that would make me second on the podium right? Yeah! Can I got play now."

"You've earned it, go on."

"Bye." she got up and ran off

"Okay so while she's playing i'm just gonna answer a few frequently asked questions. So, will Daisy be coming to any of the races? She'll be at a couple. one of the great few thing about F1 is that it's on a weekend. We got the calendar for the events and she was aloud to pick I think three of four races. Four races to attend. Another question was how do you balance being a mother and being what was a f2 driver but now f1 driver. Any time I'm not racing. I am at home, with her, playing games that she wants to play, watching movies, taking her places. I take her to school When I'm with her. I'm present she is my 100 percent focus. When I am away, we speak every morning and every night even if the time zones are different. I will sit over video chat and help her do homework.

If she's with me for like a race, I get her involved with what I do as much as possible. So where ever she is I am always a present mother and there for her wither i am in a different country or right next to her. She is learning and exposing and being a kid both as home and away."

"Mom come play!" Daisy called

"Coming. Okay. I'm gonna go, thanks for watching like, subscribe and see you on the flip side!" I ended the recording and then went to play dress up with Daisy.

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