Chapter Five - She really is a racer

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It was time for me to leave to my second race. Mom was here and the two of us took Daisy to school before she dropped me off at the airport.

"Good luck and be safe baby." Mom and I hugged

"Love you." I got out of the car and got my bags before heading in and heading to Italy. Arriving at the hotel I got about an hour of sleep before attending meetings, interviews. With Nikita and Guenther. As well as other drivers. I then finally god a good sleep for practice. Friday soon passed with practicing and speaking with the boys. The two of us did a few tik toks and instagram posts. But we all hung out.

"Dude you didn't." I shoved Alex lightly

"What did he do?" Charles wondered

"He took a video of me singing" I showed him and started laughing as my phone started ringing "It's Daisy shhh." I put a finger to my lips and then answered


"Hey sweetie, how are you doing?"

"I'm good, what are you doing?" I glance to the other others who are shoving each other to shut up

"Well I'm actually with..." I turn the camera and they cheered seeing her. Each of them took turns talking to her 


Qualifying was tough. Jet lag was kicking in and it was brutal. There were more meetings and conferences before and after Qualifying. For tomorrow i would be starting off in seventh. There was room from improvement and I was better off than Nikita. Who was at the bottom of the grid. He couldn't get control of the car and kept on spinning it. The boys and I headed into the driver briefing. Then I went to do a video for the Formula one App. It was a get to know me.

"Hi there, I'm Kaia Jenner and I'm one one of the new drivers for Haas F1 team." I gave a small wave and then I answered questions "I started racing when I was seven. And I was the kid that never wanted to leave the track I would have been on the track till dark if i had it my way. My Dad at one point I think I was about eight had to literally pick me up throw me over her shoulder and take me back to the car because I outright refused to leave.

It was at that point she knew that I was serious as a kid could be about doing this. She had to convince my Mom that this was literally the only way I was going to do anything. Go to school, best behaviour, golden child. You got a good or fantastic report card, extra time on the race track." I laugh.

"Being a woman in a male dominated sport to me is empowering and motivating. There is a whole other drive I get. I use it as fuel and it gives me purpose because i'm showing other women and especially my daughter that you really can do anything. I am beginning to struggle to find anything to say that us girls can't do."

"My hero is my daughter because she gives me the strength, courage and sometimes race side support to keep me going and to achieve great things."

"I have quite a few friends. Pierre, Charles, George, Alex and are literally my ride or die. Of track when we have free time. I'm usually with one of them, mainly on the socials. But just because we're friends doesn't mean we're not competitive. As soon as we're on that track and we're racing, theres like a second competition between us."

"The races I would love to win at some point would be home races we have one in Texas this year. Monaco obviously and Silverstone duh."

"Well that's it I hope you've enjoyed getting to know I will see you on the track." I gave a small wave to the camera.

"And cut. That's great, thank you."

-Race Day-

The main event to the whole weekend I kept to my goal in keeping with the points. Though this time i dropped a place at the finished and ended up in fifth. I still go 10 points for the team which was more than my team mate was doing. If this carried on with him, he would not only lose confidence but start blaming the team when it's clearly nothing to do with them since we both have the same car.

We had just over a week before it was the Portuguese race. I would get some time in with Daisy before the races really ramped up. I picked her up from school when I got back.

"Miss Jenner." Mrs Fields, Daisy's teacher calls me over, "do you have a moment to spare?"

"Sure is everything all right?" I wonder nervously as I was taken to one side.

"Everything is fine. I just wanted to ask if you'd be available to give a talk to the children about your job. Daisy talks about you all the time, she is beyond proud of what you do." i smiled "Its just the other children are...not reciprocating to what's she's saying."


"They think she's making up stories. I know when we spoke at the beginning of the year, you made me and the school aware of why you moved and what you do for a job. In all honesty I have begun to watch the races so I can get a better understanding of who Daisy is because her understanding is how she would relate it back to racing. But i thought to speak with you first and hope that we could shut down these little rumblings before they could flame into something bigger."

"Of course, I understand." i nod "Is it okay if it's this week maybe Friday. Next week is back to back prep and training and then I'm travelling on and off for a good couple of months."

"That's fine. Would it also be okay to get some information on who's going to be picking Daisy up when you're away."

"Sure. No problem at all."

"Thank you Miss Jenner." i left with Daisy and got her into the car.

"Am I in trouble? Is that why you were talking with Mrs Fields?" Daisy questioned as we made our way home.

"No, sweetie. She was just asking me if I would like to come into class a give a talk about what I do. Not many kids get to say the have a mom or Dad who drives race cars for a living." I answer back

"I guess not. That's what i tell the others but no one believes me." I glance at her when we come to a stop sign

"Baby, just because something is hard to believe doesn't mean its a lie." I tell her and turn back driving off "Look at it from a different point of view. The world we live in has different filters, old ways of believing and acting. You are girl that comes from a family that is well off, that gets paid a lot of money to do racing or modelling, appearing on a tv show or a movie or being essentially in the public eye. At one point the more money you had the better the education. Private schools and the like. I chose different."


"Because money isn't everything. knowing people and how the world works is far better. I put you in public school because you get to know people, real people. You get to see and hopefully learn respect for hard work and perseverance. Not everyone is as privileged as you. Some of your classmates have a lot tougher life, they go through things that money can't solve.

The flip side to that is they don't expect that a young girl who has Aunts that have their own tv show that are successful business women that have worked their way to where they are now. A mom who drives race cars for a living would send you there. They think oh we must send you to a private school.

Sweetie, sometimes others don't get who you are or why you do what you do. You can either show them the difference or ignore them and let them figure it out eventually."

"Okay." we pulled into the driveway and got out.

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