Chapter 6

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Kenny pov:

I couldn't see any more crime on the street so I sat down on one of south parks house's roof

Then suddenly I could hear a thud behind me and I turned around to see Y/hn

"Heya kid" He said 

"We're literally the same age, why are you calling me kid" I chuckled

"I guess, but why arent you asleep now like your other friends?"

"I dunno, I just dont want to treat this like a game. I want to help people like you if that makes sense. Also I kinda want to be on tv and see the coon being really pissed off"

"Is that the fat kid?" 

"Yep. He says he's the leader of our group when no one treats him likes it. No one wants him to 'play' with us"

"Then why dont you kick him out?"

"Its.. Complicated.."

"Alright, well do you wanna work together for tonight? And maybe if your here tomorow too also tomorow?"

"So your asking for me to be your sidekick?"

"Well if you think you can handle it maybe partner"

I thought for a bit. It would be hilarious to see the coons reaction


"Great! Well tomorow ill buy us some walkie talkies so we can communicate"

"Alright cool"

Me and Y/hn were just doing jobs around the city until crime hours stopped

"Have some sleep while you can, we'll do this again tomorow" She told me

"Alright cya"

I headed home and went through the door. As I walked in I saw my mom and dad passed out on the couch like any other night. Nothing new there

I changed, went to bed and quickly fell asleep due to how tired I was

"Kenny! Kenny wake up its time for school!"

"Mrph Mrr Mrph" (Hey Karen) I said as I patted Karens head

"THAT FUCK?!" We heard our dad shout from the living room with our dad shouting some things after

"Mrph mrr mph mrr mf mrf?" (What are they mad about now?)

"Whats the problem?" Kevin asked our parents as soon as me and Karen entered

"Just this annoying guy on the tv. Its fine kids" Mom said calmly

Kyle pov:

"Come on Y/n, we need to head to the bus stop"

"alright coming"

Me and Y/n headed to the bus stop and were the first ones there, then soon we saw cartman running, very slowly due to how fat he is, to us


"The fuck are you talking about fatass?" I asked him, because I genuinally have no idea what he's talking about


While Cartman was screaming about god knows what, Stan and Kenny were slowly walking to the bus stop

"Damn I could heart Cartman from literally mile away" Stan said when he and Kenny got here

"tell me about it" I said back just as Cartman stopped shouting


"Mrr mrph mrr mrph?" (Mysterion?)

"How the fuck am I Mysterion, Cartman?"

"Yeah Kyle was in our room all night" Y/n added

Just then the bus came and we all went on and minded our own businesses

When we got to school throughout the whole day he was freaking about who might be Mysterion and Y/hn. It was tiring

"Fatass just shut up oh my lord no one gives two fucking shits"


"We already went over this, there isnt a possibility that Im mysterion. Just go ask him yourself or something"

"Alright.. I'll go ask him.. After school.." Cartman said under his breath with a giant smile on his face

Wont ask.. That was weird..

After school everyone changed into their hero clothes and went to Cartmans basement. I made sure to come in 10 minutes early so I can see all of the drama

"The human kite! Heh.. Your early.."

"Yeah, I know"

Its kind of funny how bad some of the costumes are, like super craig and wonder tweek. Like did they even try hide their identities?

Then of course were the well hidden ones like mine, toolsheds and mysterions. Those are the hardest to find the identities to

As I was thinking, we heard the basement door open and I saw Mysterion coming down the stairs


"What are you talking about coon?"


I seriously can't take this any more. This is so funny.. They kept on arguing, Mysterion somehow keeping a straight face but I could tell he was trying his hardest not to laugh. After a while I let out what tried to be a quiet chuckle, to a loud laugh.

By this time about half the team were already here so the laughing quickly spread and soon everyone in Cartmans basement was laughing apart from The Coon


We all shut up, not because the coon told us not to, just because we were laughing for a while already and it wasn't as funny any more

"I have a plan everyone. So by now we all saw Mysterion on the- Actually give me a second. Mysterion, can I talk to you for a second?" The coon asked Mysterion as Mysterion nodded in response and they both left the basement to talk

Kenny pov:

"So, what did you want to talk to me about coon?"

"I just think that you might like to fight a little bit more crime while we finish up this boring old meeting"

"What are you planning" I changed my face and sounded and looked very serious

"Oh- Nothing! I just think Y/hn will appreciate the extra help, you are his sidekick arent you?"

"Partner, but okay, catch me up on anything I missed later"

"Will do, bye Mysterion!"

Now that was way too suspicious. I think I might report this to Y/hn. He might know what to do

Kyle pov:

Then we could hear the door open and close again then we saw The Coon, without Mysterion walking down the stairs

"Where is Mysteri-" Tollshed tried to ask before the coon rudely interupted him

"I just sent him to do an important mission for me and ask for his permission for my next plan" The coon explained

"So whats the point of this plan now?" Super Craig, who was obviously Craig, asked with his regular emotionless attitude

"To finally get Y/hn on our side"

"mmhm, and how is that supposed to work?" I asked him

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