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Today is her first day at Byeoksan High School.She had to transfer to this school since she got kicked out of her previous one.She did nothing wrong.Only broke someone's nose..Self defense.


I stand up fast and run to the bathroom to shower quickly.After I finished I brush my teeth,do my skincare and comb my hair.I then change into my new uniform.
"Damn this uniform is uglier than my old one" I talk to myself.And then grab my backpack to leave the house.

On my way to school I was listening to Music. More precisely to Straykids, my favourite Kpop Group.I arrive at the school and walk to the school secretariat to ask, where my class is.I hear the schoolbell ring.I quickly went to the classroom since I didn't want to be late.
What do you expect I'm a top student.

The classroom started to fill with more and more students.I was watching from the door window.I start to get a bit nervous but it's not too bad.
Okay, Haerin you can do this she thinks in her head.
The teacher came and told me to come with her inside the classroom.I follow her inside the classroom


Si-eun looked at the new student beside the teacher as they enter the class. He couldn't help but feel annoyed by her presence right off the bat. She had a very sweet smile on her face and her face was just as pretty. She had long and wavy brown hair which matched her deep hazel eyes. She looked at Sieun before returning her glance back to the teacher.


Now I'm standing infront of the class right next to the teacher.

Teacher:"Morning everyone, today we have a new student, please introduce yourself."
I took a deep breath and then started to talk
"Hello, my name is Haerin.I was transfered from Jisung High school."
Everyone in the class looked at Haerin, her beauty caught everyone's eyes.
Teacher:"You can sit down behind Young-bin." she says.

As that dude called Young-bin waved his hand quickly.I sit down behind him and notice a boy next to me, who had a cold look and was looking at his textbook all the time.
Young-bin turned around and glanced at me.
"Welcome to our school." He said more like in a sarcastic tone.He then smiled weirdly at me and I smiled back.As soon as he turned to the teacher again, my smile dropped.I open my textbook and focus on class


Si-eun watched the scene unfold in front of him. He noticed the sudden change in Haerin and that her face was no longer the happy one he saw earlier. He turned his head, away from Haerin to the teacher who's now teaching the lesson. His cold, emotionless features did not change as he listened to the teacher talking.



First class just ended so it was Break and of course loud.The classroom is filled with people talking and talking.Its so loud that I can't quite focus on my studying.I was only looking at my notes and drew some doodles to concentrate better.But it was too loud.Especially Young-bin and his friends.They were infront of me laughing and talking about who knows.They also kept kicking my desk "accidentally".The anger starts to build up inside me.Take a deep breath.Stay calm and just ask nicely.I think in my thoughts


Si-eun saw the whole thing unfold in front of him. Haerin was minding her own business, as usual, until Young-bin and his friend started harassing her. As if they were doing it on purpose, they kept kicking her desk and made it hard for her to concentrate.
Si-eun looked up from his notes, and saw Haerin trying hard to keep her cool.

Suddenly Haerin starts to speak
"Yah, Young-bin" she says.

Young-bin stops his shenanigans and looks back at Haerin.Si-eun observed that Young-bin's smile has faded, as his face turned to a frown. Haerin, on the other hand, keeps looking down and seems annoyed but trying not to let it show.

"Can you and your friends talk somewhere else,please? You're bothering me I'm trying to concentrate."she says with a nice tone.
Haerin said what she wanted to say to Young-bin, calmly and nicely. Young-bin, however, wasn't having any of that. His smile returned and he and his friends continue to bother Haerin. He kicks her desk and laughs at her annoyed face.

Si-eun's cold, emotionless eyes look down at his notebook and continues writing.
"Didn't you hear me?"Haerin said now with a more harsh tone.
Young-bin and his friend laughed as Haerin spoke.
"You should have more respect, you know? Now go keep studying.Little girl" Young-bin answers, getting angry now.Si-eun looked up from his notes and looked at the scene.

Haerin stood up and looked very angry.
"Stop now,Dipshits" Haerin yelled and the whole class went quiet as they stare at her.
She starts puts up her sleeves randomly and gently. Young-bin and his friends fell quiet and looked confused at the sudden turn of events.
Some of the students in the class looked at her with fear in their eyes after seeing her stand up and get serious with them. Some of them were even heard whispering the words "fighting" which added fuel to the fear.

"What did you just little.." Young-bin yells back as Young-bin's friend stood up at an attempt to punch Haerin, thinking that she's still just a weak girl. Haerin, however, grabbed his wrist and threw him to the ground as she made a taekwondo move. She grabbed another boy's shirt and flipped him to the ground too. That's when the class starts to get alarmed and frightened, only thing they can do is watch now.

She and her childhood bestfriend always used to go together to Taekwondo.She then remembers again, that he must be in this class too.But she didn't see him yet.


I hope that I won't get kicked out like at my old school. They started to gang up on me after witnessing me take down two boys.Time for my Taekwondo skills to come in handy.I  kicked one of Young-bin's friend which flipped him behind me, then I kicked Young-bin to the wall which caused the class to gasp in shock.I also flipped another boy to the ground.


That's the first chapter.I hope y'all liked it :) Please give me feedback or tips in the comments.I will soon upload chapter two!


Red Roses -Weak Hero Class 1 .Where stories live. Discover now