Jake's dad HC

151 6 2

Hello pookies!! This HC contains sensitive topics (Haven't checked this HC for months so I might be wrong sob)


Theory about Jake's father being in the military for over 5 years and how it affected Jake.

I started thinking about this theory when Jake found out that Hailey's father could also sing like her. Since, Jake didn't look so "impressed" or happy, more like sad or discouraged.

When Jake was 9 years old, Jake's father went to another country to be in the military and gave him the necklace he always wears, to him, it is the most important thing he keeps. Months later, Jake's mother discovered that she was pregnant with Jake's little brother (who was mentioned in episode 6), from that moment on, Jake had to put up with the bullying at school, not having a father figure and having to help his mother more than before.

Now, you will say, does it have to do with Jake looking sad or discouraged to know that Hailey's father can sing?

It could be that Jake's father always sang with him and sang him songs to sleep, and that brought this memory to his mind.

Jake surely got that gift/talent from his father and so it has always been his passion as just as singing was his father's passion.


I can't find the other part, but still I find it cute that the necklace might be a gift from his father, really hope he still has it even in S2

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