Jia HCs

79 1 1

Requested by: @clumsycutely 

1-Pretty obvious, but due to them being really popular in high school, they broke many people's hearts when they publicly announced they were dating

2-Lia kept sending him hints about her crush on him, but he wouldn't understand them, so she had to directly say "I like you"

3-Both of them love fashion and looking stylish every time they go out, so going shopping together is their favourite activity

4-Jake's love language is words of affirmation and physical touch

5-Lia's love language is words of affirmation and giving gifts.

6-Both of them love PE since she cheers for him every time the boys play any team sports, and he loves how supportive she is

7-Jake definitely wrote her too many love songs, but he's unsure about them most of the time, but she loves them

8-Lia cuts his hair, since she's horrified by the idea of him having a bad cut (specially a buzz cut, me too girl, me too)

9-Jake loves baking, but he's very bad at it, on the other hand, Lia is fantastic at baking, so she tries her best to help him out

10-They love matching outfits, specially Lia, since it's a new excuse to go shopping

11-Jake keeps insisting on Lia getting more piercings, but she keeps refusing since she's scared of needles

12-Late night walks, early morning runs together, and they'll take Oreo with them <33 (I love adding Oreo in any HC that contains Jake I'm sorry)

13-Lia sends Jake daily updates on whatever drama, gossip, etc.. She finds out during the day

14-Both send each other voice messages that are so long they could be podcasts, Lia listens to them while doing her make up, and Jake listens to them while writing new songs.

15-Both used to do thirst traps back then (Jake's is actually canon lmao), and they'll cringe about it together

16-Hello Kitty gf and Spider-Man bf

17-Lia makes him watch romance movies with her, and he'll complain non-stop whenever the main character makes the wrong decision

18-Lia is the type of person in a restaurant who takes 56598 photos before eating, and Jake just dies inside because he's starving

19-They argue whenever he hugs Lia after a football match, since he's sweating and she hates sweat

20-Jake is the one who takes Lia's Instagram photos/records Lia's TikToks

Ahhh I really hope 20 HCs are enough, school kept me really busy this week D:

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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