Jake & Hailey HCs

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-Hailey would have definitely had a gacha phrase, same with Jake

-Hailey loves Taylor Swift

-Jake loves Lana Del Rey

-Hailey loves stars

-Jake loves the Sun

-Hailey's love language is words of affirmation and quality time, Jake's is physical touch and words of affirmation

-Whenever one of the two doubt in their singing skills, the other will make sure to let them know how good they are

-When Jake plays a song by The Jomies, she'll cover her ears

-He pays more attention to Hailey explaining than to the teachers

-They randomly look at each other during class and start laughing

-Both couldn't stop overthinking about the mall moment and will blush every single time they remember

-They draw on each other's hands every time they sit in class together

-Jake loves K-pop, specially Twice and Enhypen

-Jake gets her bubble tea every time they go out since it's her favorite drink

-Jake compliments Hailey really often to help her be more confident

-They once got sent to detention because they kept flirting in class

-He'll grab Hailey's hand and SPRINT whenever he sees one of his old bullies

-Finds Hailey pretty even when she cries

-Whenever Hailey and him are talking, he'll randomly say "Okay, but can I kiss you?" Just so she overthinks it the whole day

-She's very ticklish, so Jake will tackle her and won't stop tickling her

-Unconsciously pouts when Hailey changes his lyrics, she finds it adorable so she'll jokingly do it

-Jake find it funny to mimic Hailey whenever she's explaining something about rehearsals after the competition since she won't take a break

-Jake says the most random things whenever Hailey is mad at him, such as asking if her lip gloss is new and if he can try it

-Very shy around each other when they first started dating, both found it cute though

-Jake is literally Hailey's personal cheerleader, whenever she's not feeling confident, he'll make sure to cheer her up

-Tried to keep their relationship a secret for two weeks and failed

-Jake blushed A LOT, and Hailey loves using that against him

-They sing Ariana Grande songs together and try to see who hits the highest note

-Jake always makes sure to look at Hailey whenever she's singing, but she never notices

-Jake has really soft and clean skin, his secret? Dish soap and a random Nivea cream from 2018 he found in the bathroom

-They hang out at Hailey's house just to cuddle and talk about their problems

-She randomly hugs Jake from behind whenever she sees him around the halls and makes both of them fall

-Jake has a tiny box with different earrings, but he always wears the same ones

-Hailey fell first, Jake fell harder

-Late night calls where they'll sometime fall asleep on call

-He hugs Hailey at the worst times possible to make her mad

-Hailey finds Jake attractive when he's mad, meanwhile Jake shits bricks when she's mad

-They compliment each other 24/7

-Jake's mom loves Hailey so much and even if Jake isn't home, she'll bring her over and look at Jake's childhood photos together

-He only calls her Hailey in serious situations, he'll call her Princess 24/7, and she actually adores it

-Unlike Hailey, Jake actually enjoys their height difference and finds it adorable

-Hailey is competitive at sports, while Jake just wants to have fun and make friends

-They tend to copy each other's actions without realizing

-Sometimes they'll accidentally grab the other's jacket and keep it till the next day (Jake does it on purpose and then leaves cute notes in her pockets)

-Jake loves her hair in a high ponytail, that's why he always looks forwards to science class

-Jake is surprisingly good with kids, the only one he can't handle is Milo

-Hailey was too shy to announce they were dating, while Jake was very excited

-Most unexpected yet favorite couple at school

-Jake catches himself staring at Hailey WAY TOO OFTEN

-They get told by older people that they make a lovely couple

-Whenever she flirts with him, he'll go "HUH" because he never expects it

-Jake kept insisting on Hailey keeping the trophy, saying she deserved it the most after everything that happened and her efforts

-They love recording song covers with Sean's help, who will later show them to Daisy

-He made the best impression ever in front of Michael (He adores Jake and makes sure Hailey brings him home at least twice a week)

-They got banned from a Karaoke since they kept getting too competitive

-Whenever they look at each other, they unconsciously smile/giggle

-Finds it adorable how he warmed up so easily with the club and her instead of being cocky all the time

-When they left the stage they ran to hug each other, and Jake told her he was very proud of her for getting over her stage fright

-When they found out they won, he picked her up, and they did one of those cute spin hugs and started crying

-Jake gets protective over the smallest things they say to Hailey because he doesn't want the story to repeat

A/N: Hi there!! You might have seen these on TikTok probably, hope you guys liked these <33

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