Jailey detective AU

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A/N: I won't be continuing this since it's something I wrote based on a random shower thought I had lol, anyway, enjoy this <33

"They didn't even let you grieve his death, huh?" Hailey said, even though she never liked Drew, she knew how close him and Jake were, and she didn't want to deny that. "Yeah, but we weren't as close as before, and he was slowly harsher than before" He answered, "I didn't even get a break after last week's case and here we are again" He muttered, kicking a pebble from Drew's big front yard as they walked to the front door.

"Zoey must be devastated, I heard they got engaged, not so long ago" Hailey suddenly said, looking for the keys in her bag. "You really think so? She dated him only for money, everyone but him knew that, when we tried to tell him, he left and refused to talk to Liam, Henry and me for 2 weeks" Jake sighed, "Let's get our job done quick and finally rest, I don't think I've ever felt this tired" Hailey smiled at her working partner, "Yes sir!" She smiled and followed him to the first room.

Hours passed, Hailey expected his house to be big, but not THAT big, each floor probably had around 6 rooms each, and it was a 3-story house, including the basement, which was definitely bigger than her shared flat with Jake.

Hailey took a deep breath and let herself fall to the ground, laying on her back on the soft velvet carpet that covered the hall. "Whoa, this feels expensive" She thought to herself "I never thought I'd want to give on a case so badly, have you seen the size of those rooms?" She groaned, "Why couldn't the murder kill him somewhere else!?" She complained, covering her face with her hands.

"Oi" Jake's voice called "The last room for today is one of the closets, I know there might not be anything related but–" Before he could finish, Hailey rushed to the room, Jake sighed and followed her in a slower pace, it was around 10pm, and they still hadn't had dinner.

Jake was kicked out of his thoughts when he heard Hailey fangirl about something, he went to the closet only to find Hailey trying on a long silk black dress with an open leg slit that reached the half of her thigh. "HAILEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Jake yelled in panic, "Relax! Black isn't her colour anyway" She said as she twirled in front of the mirror, "It even has pockets! Have you ever seen something like this have pockets?" She said, ecstatic by her discovery, Jake didn't want to admit it, but it did surprise him as well.

She approached Jake and held up a navy blue button up shirt, "I remember him wearing this shirt the time we went with him to that fancy restaurant, he looked so bad with it, you'd look better with it, why don't you try it on?" She smirked, Jake's face went red, he shook his head and grabbed the shirt from her hands. "Hailey stop it" He scolded her, putting the shirt back in place.

 "What are you going to do? Tell Drew?" She answered, unconcerned, she knew how mean and heartless Drew was to the ones who were "inferior" to him, something Jake never liked to admit even if it bothered him, she sighed and took a glance at a drawer full of jewellery.

Jake sighed, and followed her around the big closet, "Hailey we really should go to sleep it's too late" Hailey pouted and looked at her partner "He's dead anyway, who would want these beauties to go to waste?" While she holds a pair of diamond earrings that probably cost more than her house as if it was the most casual thing in the world.

"This is going to be a long case..." He said out loud, looking at his partner search for a new piece of jewellery to try on.

A/N: Pls after reading this again I might consider making it another fanfic even though the cheerleader AU ain't even done

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