Siblings/Family HCs

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-Michael makes sure to tell everyone how talented Hailey is, she doesn't like the attention she gets for it

-Milo hardly calls Jake his name, he calls him insults instead

-Milo is very embarrassed to tell Jake how proud he is of him and his passion, he did tell their mom, who later told Jake about it

-Michael, Shannon and Bethany wouldn't shut up about the competition, they were too happy for them

-Milo makes "Your mom" jokes to Jake, forgetting they're siblings

-Jake hates horror movies and Milo loves asking Jake to watch them with him so Jake gets scared as fuck

-Luke makes sure Hailey's and Zander's fights/arguments are resolved as soon as possible

-Jake cries and screams whenever he sees bees and Milo makes sure to let everyone know

-Shannon considers the whole music club her kids and will invite them over for dinner at least once a month

-Milo doesn't bother fixing his hair since he's used to Jake ruffling

-Zander and his mom will fight every time she calls him Alex

-Hailey gets really mad at Zander since he goes shopping way too often, though she does the same when she sees anything star related

-Jake makes fun of Milo because he was allowed to get piercing earlier than him

-Shannon and Michael keep trying to get Bethany to play an instrument, but she only wants to make music just like Sean

-Jake cares about Oreo more than anyone since he helped him get through a lot

-Milo and Jake constantly bully each other

-Zander and Hailey will joke about their trauma together and then cry about it while eating ice cream

-Luke and Zander are parents, Milly is the unwanted child

-Hailey was the one who drew the star on Zander's cheek, and she said "Now we match as siblings" And he cried for 10 minutes straight

-They push each other so often they have "matching" permanent bruises, they say it's matching, so their mom doesn't get mad, which didn't work

-Lia is a mommy's girl, and so is Stacy, their moms know each other and they hang out together often

-Milo is the nosiest mf when it comes to Jake's love life

-Milo and his mom would bake Jake's favorite cookies whenever he felt down because of


-Shannon wanted Bethany to play the piano, but she hates it, thanks to Zander

-Hailey loves talking about her dad, she's really proud of him

-Cares and loves her son-in-law a lot and will make sure he's always okay

-Michael and Shannon were love at first sight, and they love telling their kids stories about how they met

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