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Meanwhile, in the Raven, David, Lowe, Blake and Hawkins sit in the lower level with the Purifiers, with Arachnica, Mammoth and Snake-Bite staring at them.

Blake: Anyone got a deck of cards?

Snake-Bite: I do....but don't you think the Enhumans would cheat?

Mammoth groans as he's getting air sick.

Snake-Bite: Dude, four hours in the air and now you get sick.

Mammoth: Ugh...I don't feel so good.

Arachnica: Take deep small breaths and it will all pass....or do what Axel is doing.

Arachnica points to Red Dragon, who is meditating.

Lowe clears his throat.

Lowe: Mr. President....General Blake. General Hawkins. Can we talk in private?

On the bridge of the Raven, Quantum is speaking to Power Surge.

Power Surge: John, we got one of them. What do you want us to do?

Quantum: Stay where you are. We'll come to you.

Quantum turns to V.O.X and the Owl.

Quantum: Charles, V.O.X, make Washington D.C our destination. Once we get there, turn on stealth systems.

Quantum sighs.

The Owl: This is good, John. Once we retrieve the team and the alien they captured, we'll be able to take it back to the Tower and study the creatures....learn their weaknesses....and if we're lucky, get past their defenses....and....perhaps kill them.

Sun Sorceress gives a look.

Sun Sorceress: What?

The Owl: I'm just saying that these things are relentless and ruthless and after what they've done to New York, Washington D.C and Los Angeles....

Quantum: He might be right, Eva. If we're going to save our planet, we're going to have to consider breaking our one rule.

Genesis looks at Quantum, with a raised eyebrow.

Genesis: You're considering breaking your one rule to save the Earth?

Quantum: Only for the Threll, Adrian.....

Scarlett: and what about Krylla?

Sun Sorceress: No! Not her!

Red Dragon: Why? That creature....that monster....is not your mother anymore, child.

Dragonfly: We're not going to kill her.....

Genesis: Think, boy. If there's any way to save this planet, it might mean you have to kill her.

Quantum looks down.

Quantum: The kids are right, Adrian. We can't kill her....we just can't....

Quantum walks off, before Genesis looks at him.

Sun Sorceress: It's settled, then. We kill the Threll army and just the Threll army.

Dragonfly nods.

Dragonfly: Okay, then.

Dragonfly speaks into his earpiece.

Dragonfly: Alex, get ready for extraction.

In another part of the Raven, Quantum is leaning against the wall, before Genesis walks up to him.

Genesis: You didn't want to say it in front of your children or your team, but you know I'm right, don't you?

The Supers: Evolution (2016)Where stories live. Discover now