Chapter 15

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Heels clicked against the marble floor. Olivia Hexlie was wearing a black pair of dress pants, a white silky blouse, and a red suit jacket, her red heels clicking with each step. Her black hair was in a slick pony tail, and her face showed the bruise and the busted lip she had received only a week ago. She approached a set of wooden  double doors and pulled them open. The board stopping as the BAU team turned and looked at her. She glanced at the team and saw the relief in their eyes. She tilted her head and easily walked forward. The board glaring at her, "You weren't summoned yet.", she smirked, "Maybe not, but I'm here all the same.", she turned to the team, "You okay?", they all nodded and the board huffed in annoyance at her. "Ah ahh ahh, I wouldn't do that if I were you.", she turned back to the board with power in her eyes. This team would not be hurt. Not because of Foyet. Not again. "And who are you to command us?", she smirked and looked at the head of the committee, "In case you weren't aware, council, my name is Olivia Kia Hexlie. You may know me by my call sign, Hex. You have no authority over me, and in all honesty if I wanted, I could have your jobs. You will treat this team with respect, or you will answer to me. And remember, I have diplomatic immunity in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the Dominion Republic.", and the council went silent. Making her smirk grow into a grin. "The BAU Team was acting under my commands which came directly from the President himself. If you do not know my call sigh then surely you know of the President's Solider.", she stood at attention with her chin high. "The events that have happened this last week are off the record and the books. This team is free of this witch hunt and any possible repercussions that you or Erin Strauss try to throw their way. Should any actions be taken against this team, well, I would just advise you to not take actions against them.", the BAU stood behind Olivia and the council stared her down but she didn't flinch. "A man is dead.", and she nodded, "Yes, he is. I killed him. As I have the right and authority to do. He was a threat to a woman and a child. I eliminated him. If you have issues with that, I suggest you call my commanding officer. You can reach him at the White House.", she flashed a smile and Reid smirked at her. Olivia tilted her head, "I believe we are done here.", and the BAU began to leave, Erin speaking up. "You won't always be able to pull that card, Hexlie.", and Olivia smirked before she turned, "Maybe not, but I've already put in a complaint with proof to the director and his commanding officer against you being part of this committee. You've wanted to get rid of Agent Hotchner for a while. Because you're jealous and know that he could very easily take your place. You've never even been in the field.", her words were spit out. "Come at us again and it will not be paperwork you have to worry about, Erin.", the woman glared, "Is that a threat?", Olivia smirked, "I don't know, is it?", and the BAU team left the committee room, causing the other members to turn on Strauss as the other door opened and the Director walked in. "I believe we need to have a talk.", and Olivia smirked as her heels clicked out of the room.

One Month Ago

Olivia sat with her teams in the round room as she looked at them. "George Foyet knows Haley's location as well as Jacks. They are not safe. I need marshals on them. Now. We do not tell Aaron he is still healing. He is no help at this moment.", it had been a month since Foyet's attack on Aaron and the man was still having issues with his wounds. "At this point in time, I am in charge. I have placed this team as well as my team on an active case. We cannot be called elsewhere until I release that hold myself. The president has sealed it. Penelope, Reid, JJ. I need you to go through each and every piece of Foyet's life. Tricia, and Devin will be helping. Emily, Rossi, Matty, and Dig will be going through everything related to Brooks and Jack. Derek, you are with me and Jonah. We need to think of a plan to stop Foyet.", the group nodded and she sighed, "Pen, I need you to stick a trace on Haley's phone. As well as the nanny's.", she nodded, "Devin can help with that. We already have the information. You just need to do it.", Penelope and Devin nodded. "I need you to find anywhere of importance and significance to Haley and Hotch. If he is targeting Jack, it has to be someplace important to them.", she had looked over at Rossi, Emily, Dig, and Matty. They nodded and she looked at Derek, "You have the best step in to a unsubs mind that I have ever known. We need your help to stop him.", Derek nodded and she softly smiled. They could do this, for Hotch. They had to do this. Olivia clenched her jaw as she walked away and the team watched her. "Is she okay?", Jonah spoke, "She will be, once Foyet can't hurt Hotch anymore. The years I've known Liv. That's all I've known. No one is to hurt the people she loves and Aaron Hotchner is on that list.", and the team sighed.

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