𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞𓇽

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After the incident, JJ and John B left the party. They stormed out, John B tried to make sure JJ didn't beat anyone up or do anything else stupid. He grabbed some random kooks drink and chugged it on the spot. Then yelled at everyone that this party was shit, and Rafe Cameron was a real psycho.

Some kooks started getting defensive and telling him he was a disgusting Pogue, which only aggravated JJ more. He started swinging and Topper who was talking about how he didn't belong the party. John B tried to break it up, but ended up being caught up in the fight.

"Topper! Stop, please." sarah pleaded, watching her ex beat John B to the ground.

"Shut up Sarah! You choses this dirt bag over me, look, he's just a stupid Pogues"

JJ tackled Topper and started swinging hard, until John B and Sarah pulled him off and took him out of the party. They dragged him to the car and were both in shock. Not understanding what got him so riled up

The car ride home was quite and awkward. Jj eventually told them that Kiara kissed him and that Brie saw it all happen. JB didn't know what to do, he never saw his friend this beat up over a girl. He's gotten mad about a fight or about a kook before, but never a girl. This was no terrain, and you never know what to expect with JJ. Especially when he is high and drunk after a party.

They made it to the Chateau, and they went straight to the hot tub. JJ was on a rant about all the stupid things he did that night, and JB just couldn't get him to calm down. He even talked about egging the Cameron House. He wasn't thinking straight.

"I cant fucking believe her man!"

"JJ, chill out-"

"No! Im not going to chill! She knew what she was doing. She brought me there and told Rafe to go get Briella to bring her to us. Then she timed the kiss for that! She ruined what I had with Brie. It was going so good man, she was a good thing for me"

"it'll be alright. You just gotta talk to her. It's Briella, she doesn't seem like the type to hold a grudge."

"I just don't get why Rafe was involved. He's a psycho, what's with him and Briella all a sudden?"

"I don't know, but I really think you have to have a talk with Kiara. Then work on Briella."

"Fuck man! What if I messed it up! I promised her nothing would happen! She was with me, I shouldn't of left her."

"Don't be so hard on yourself"

"They planned this whole thing! Just so they could break us up. Kie could get me and rafe could get breezy."

"Look JJ, don't come to conclusions—"

"They did, I just know it. I'm a plan maker JB, if I was as sick as them, I would come up with taht plan too. Rafe Cameron is gonna ruin her... She is too sweet for him"


"I—I cant. I really liked her john b. I really did. It was different with her."

"Hey guys"-kie

"Kie you shouldn't be here"-jb

"What is wrong with you!?"jj


"We were happy Kie! I didn't want you! Why cant you understand that? I was happy with Briella. Not you, I told you a million times that there is nothing between us. Never has been never will be"-jj

"Oh stop it. You didn't actually liker her JJ, she's too boring. All she does is watch her stupid little brother and help her dad. Don't act like you actually liked her."

"You don't know what she goes threw! She's so much fun and her brother isn't annoying. Fuck you man. I liked her, really liked her because she was kind and didn't only talk about herself all the fucking time. She wasn't clingy, she wasn't annoying, she wasn't you!"

"She was just some stupid hoe JJ, get over her and realize what you have right here. Your better off without her. We all are."-kie

"What the fuck kie"jb

"You're sick"jj

"Kie you gotta go."-jb

"What, no guys come on. We can talk tomorrow."

"No kie. Leave and stay the fuck away from us."-jj

"JJ, I love you, I did this so we could love each other without any more interruptions. I- I love you"

"What? Thanks? I guess. Cool, but I don't love you like that Kie, we were great friends but you just keep on ruining everything that makes me happy"

"JJ, stop exaggerating. I'm not just going to leave."

"Leave! I don't want you here. Fuck off"

"JB, can you-"

"No Kie, he's right. Just leave."

Kie left and it was evident she wasn't happy with how JJ was acting. JJ was so mad he couldn't even be around John b. He decided to go surfing to try and clear his mind a little bit. He went to his favorite spot and just sat there for awhile. This is where he wanted to bring Briella when she would finally let him. He was gonna bring her here and they could surf together. He never brought anyone here but he wanted to bring her. He couldn't believe he really messed up. She was so perfect. Everything about her. Her perfectly curled hair, her mix of blue and green eyes, her laugh, her smile, how she plays with her hands when she's nervous, her kindness, how she is with Diego. She was just so perfect. He knew he had to make things better with her, he just didn't know how he could do that.

He thought of all the things they had done together. The first time he saw her in Mr. Sunn's class he just knew something would happen with them. It was just a gut feeling he could never shake. Then, when he finally met her at the chateau, he realized why. She wasn't the typical girl JJ would go for, not a hardcore partier from the island. She was different, she wouldn't just use JJ. She was a nice girl, with a real personality not just some fake chick.

Then, he found out about her dad, and they were both dealing with the same thing. They both got stuck with shitty parents, but she had to deal with hers because she needed the financial help for Diego. JJ just felt the need to help her, be there for her. He knew what she was going through and didn't want her to do it alone.

Briella Martinez. She wasn't Kiara Carrera, she was better. She was who he actually wanted.

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