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"Boo, what happened with Kalia at school?" Asaiah asked as he continued to chop up the link of beef sausage in front of him. He and Justice took turns making dinner and today was Asaiah's day, he was making his famous Cajun Pasta. He was prepping his meat when Ja'kori came downstairs.

It had been three days since the incident at school and no one had seen or heard from Kalia since then.

"Some girls called her a...dyke." Ja'kori told his father the d-word felt so weird coming out of his mouth.

Asaiah shook his head back and forth as he grabbed the second sausage link out of its package.

"I heard something had happened I just didn't know what, Khalil says she won't even come out of her room."

"I think it got to her bad it was like she was frozen or something when the girls said it."

"And you know how Cadence gets about her so when he got up I just knew shi- I mean stuff was about to hit the fan." Ja'kori coughed realizing he almost slipped up.

"My fault Pops." Ja'kori apologized.

Asaiah shrugged. "You're 17 Ja'kori, as long as you're keeping your grades up, and not getting that little girlfriend of yours knocked up I could care less about a couple of cuss words."

"Just don't get too comfortable." He added.

Hearing the lock turn on the front door caused both Asaiah and Ja'kori's heads to turn.

The front door opened and in walked Justice. Justice took her shoes off by the door and made sure to lock the front door behind her.

"Hi, my babies!" Justice exclaimed happy to be home.

Justice walked over to the counter bar she stood next to Ja'kori as she ran her fingers through his long twist before placing a kiss on his forehead she then walked around the bar and joined Asaiah in the kitchen.

"Where's Nuni?"

"She's over Hakeem and Asia's, having a sleepover with Harmony."

Justice nodded as she kissed Asaiah's cheek.

Asaiah grabbed the love of his life by the waist and whispered something in her ear whatever was said made Justice's brown skin turn bright red the two shared a long and passionate kiss before Justice stepped backward ending the kiss a little earlier than Asaiah would've liked making him mug her. He had been craving her lips all day but he didn't sweat it because he'd have something to give to her later on tonight.

Ja'kori took that as his cue to leave the room.

"How was work?" Asaiah asked.

"I had 6 clients today, two out of the six wanted butt-length faux locs which did a big number on my fingers and back. I also had the cutest little set of twin girls ever!" Justice spoke placing her hand over her heart and awe as she thought back to the young girls.

"They were so sweet and sat so well! They might've been better than some of my adult and teenage clients."

"How was your day?" Justice asked her husband.

Asaiah shrugged. "I sold a couple of paintings today and I got a phone call."

"What kind of phone call?"

"A woman by the name of Rachel Kozwitz called most people know her as the creator of The Melanin Gallery which is best known for being the most prestigious all-black art gallery in the country."

"Shut up! Asaiah are you saying what I think you're saying!?" Justice jumped up and down like a kid in a candy store, the anticipation was killing her.

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