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Ja'kori hovered over Salem, his 6'0 figure making 5'5 look like nothing compared to his slender body as he stared into her eyes...

It was as if no one else mattered...just the two of them.

They were in a room full of other bodies, music blasting, bodies grinding against one another, the loud voices coming from every corner of the room as under the influence teenagers chatted amongst their peers.

None of that mattered though because as long as Ja'kori's eyes stayed focused on hers it was as if everything and everyone else disappeared.

Ja'kori licked his lips as he stared Salem down.

"Salem." He said.


"Get up!"

Salem furrowed her brows in confusion.


"Salem get up!" The lanky boy repeated himself.

Suddenly everything around the duo started to shake aggressively.

"Salem get up!" Semaj yelled as he shook his older sister aggressively out of her slumber.

Salem's eyes opened slowly as she looked around her bedroom, it was still dark out. She turned in her bed so she was facing her 6-year-old little brother.

"Semaj it's still dark out what are you doing up?" She asked groggily.

"I had a bad dream." Semaj informed his sister.

Salem yawned in response. "Kota Papa?" ("where's dad" in Haitian Creole)

Semaj shrugged.

"Use your words Bub." Whenever Salem got the chance she practiced Haitian Creole with her little brother, it was her mother's native language and Salem never wanted him to forget.

Rosaliá was the best mother a child could ask for when she became pregnant with Salem her whole world changed, she began to see life in a different light and she did everything in her power to protect her baby girl from the harms of the world.

In the early years of Salem's life Rosaliá was a single mother and Salem's father Samir was in college playing for his school's football team. The two met at a party and one thing led to another they were both in their early twenties but that didn't scare Semaj, it motivated him to be the very best version of himself. He supported Rosaliá every step of the way.

The two reunited after Samir graduated in the beginning it was rocky, adjusting to everything was the hardest for Samir but he pushed through. Finally after 3 long years Samir proposed to not only the mother of his child but the love of his life.

They tied the knot and 5 years later gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly until Rosaliá was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer when Salem was 10.

Rosaliá fought for 26 long months before she lost her battle to cancer.

Saying goodbye to her mother was the hardest thing Salem had to do. Her mother was her best friend. She was lost in this scary world without her.

School was hard, being home was hard, everything without her mother was hard.

She would hear her dad breakdown in the middle of the night when he thought she was sleeping.

It was a rough time for everybody.

"Lap domi." ("he's sleeping") Semaj replied.

Salem nodded she pulled her comforter back showing the empty space next to her. "C'mon."

Semaj hoped in the bed without a care in the world. He snuggled up next to Salem.

"I love you sissy." Semaj whispered as he closed his eyes.

"I love you too Bub." Salem replied smiling to herself.

"I love you mommy." Salem spoke out loud wondering if her mother was nearby, listening or watching.

She relaxed in her bed and peacefully fell back asleep.


Quick filler chapter since I haven't updated in a while

Not proofread

This chapter we got to learn about Salem...thoughts?

Also y'all peep that dream??? Mhmmm

Let me know y'all thoughts!

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