chapter 2

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Yn pov

I sat with Chris as he calmed down. Damn these kids. They knew he was afraid of the animatronics. He reminded me alot of myself.
"T...thank you" I heard Chris stutter. I turned and smiled at him.
"It's no problem at all little buddy. You know I always got your back." I said. I noticed a little girl with green eyes and blond hair walking towards us. Elizabeth, Chris sister. I noticed this time she was with a man wearing purple. He had brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. I raised my brow, must be their father. He looked tired. Hmm he must work alot, poor kids. No wonder Micheal bullies Chris. I watched as they approached us.

William pov

I had been working all day. Elizabeth had convinced me to take a break to meet her friend yn. I had never really met her but Elizabeth and Chris always speak about her. I personally don't like kids except my own. I didn't want to make Elizabeth sad so I just followed along agreeing to meet this kid. To my surprise, yn was not a child. She was a young woman with h/c , she wore combat boots , tights, a shirt and a leather jacket. When she looked over to us I noticed her two different colour eyes. One e/c and one purple. This girl was so different. She had this feeling about her that she shouldn't be messed with. If danger was a would be her.

Yn pov

I noticed their father looking me up and down. Elizabeth was way to excited. Definitely a sugar rush.I made a mental note to speak to Henry about sneaking sweets to the kids.
"Daddy, this is our best friend yn!" Elizabeth exclaimed. I smiled at her excitement.
"Y/n l/n. Nice to me ya"I said, putting my hand out for him to shake. He seemed to regain his composure and shook my hand.
"William afton. It's a pleasure to meet you dear" he said. He had a thick British accent. I smiled again. This was certainly going to be interesting. The great William owner of fazbear entertainment...and a murder. Oh yes I know all about what he's done. Question is...where did he hide the bodies? He did kill my little brother. I was there....

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