chapter 5

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Yn pov

I jumped awake screaming for Chris. I had so many nightmares after that day. He was in hospital. He would remain in a coma for the rest of his life. It wasn't fair. Micheal regretted what he did. I could see it as he sat next to his brother everyday. He had learnt a lesson...but the price he paid to learn it left a family shattered. I knew he was blaming himself. I couldn't hate him. How could I? I killed people...he hasn't. He damaged someone but they weren't dead.

William pov

I was visiting Chris in the hospital. Everything was a Reck. Clara has gone completely depressed. Shes angry at everyone. Including poor Elizabeth. The only person keeping Eli happy is yn. She supported both Micheal and Elizabeth. I can't quite describe her. She's like an like a fallen angel. She smiles and jokes often but if you look close enough at her eyes you can see her true feelings. I was surprised to learn she knew henry and charlie. It seemed like everyone knew her and was close to her. Even if I was wanted to be close to her she wouldn't talk to me. What could I do to change that

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