chapter 4

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Yn pov

After I scolded Henry about the sweet situation I headed back towards the front. I wasn't really interested in anything but something caught my eye and my heart dropped. Chris was in Freddy's mouth and in the next moment the mouth bit down. Blood splattered. I ran as quick as I could to Chris. I push Micheal and his friends out the way. I quickly got him out of Freddy's mouth. Tears fell.
"Call an ambulance!" I shouted. I didn't know if it would help...I didn't know if he was dead...I was to scared to check. I was a killer but this...there were no words to describe the pain I felt inside. The anger I felt towards Micheal and his friends. I didn't notice the ambulance come until Chris was taken from my arms. I looked up and saw William. I could see the pain in his eyes to. He knew how it felt now to have your child ripped away from you. I didn't feel satisfied. He killed my brother and yet here I was pitying him. Everything went black after that

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