chapter 6

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Yn pov.

I was back at Fredbears dinner. I was looking after Elizabeth and Michael. William was in a depressed state over Chris. Now he knows how some of those families I felt when he killed my brother. No its wrong to think that...I cared for Chris as well. It hurt just as much as when I grieved for my brother.

No matter how much I wanted to be happy that William Afton felt the same Pain I did, I could not help but feel sorry for him. Who was I to judge anyway? I was just as bad as him. I killed people to. Bad or not they could have had a family or someone who loves them.

I gritted my teeth. I was so deep in thought I didn't notice Afton walking towards me. The sound of him calling my name snapped me out of my thoughts.

I looked up at him. He looked like absolute shit. Yet again I felt sorry for him. Why? What could have possibly made me feel sorry for him? The answer is his kids. I was connected to him in two ways. He killed my brother....and I cared for his kids with all my heart. I didn't want to see anything bad happen to them.

"Hello Mr Afton"
I greeted him. He chuckled and shook his head.
"Please call me William."
He requested. Yeah not going to happen. Afton sounds better. I wonder what could possibly persuade this bad man to speak to me?

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