chapter 3

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Yn pov

I looked at my brother's murderer. The man in the bunny animatronic. It pissed me off that this man walked free well families suffered. I could rat him out to the police but I didn't know where he hid the body. Besides I would be able to kill him, my chance to get revenge on this asshole. I couldn't do that right now because his kids still needed him. I gritted my teeth. I hate when life throws in obstacles like this my way.

After the introduction William had to get back to work. I left Chris with Elizabeth. I went to have that chat with Henry about giving the kids sweets before meal Time. I kicked open the door and suprised Henry. Charlie was also there. Charlie ran and hugged me.
"Yn!" She screamed excited. Henry smiled a loving smile at his daughter. I felt like it would shatter him if something had to happen to her.
"Hey Charlie." I greeted back. "I was just about to speak to your father about giving children sweets before meals."
I noticed Henry looked panicked.  Charlie noticed and chuckled.
"Enjoy!" She shouted and ran out.
"Wait don't leave me!!" Henry cried out. "Charlie!!"
I glared as Henry and began my lecture.

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