━━━ Chapter Eight . The Look

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Maeve Gallagher was an impatient person. In fact, she was the most impatient person to ever exist if that was possible! She hated waiting for other people, no matter where she was. She liked being on time. If she was ever late to something, she'd panic, it's just not something she's good at.

So when Juno & Maeve were forced to wait outside in line with the rest of the fans, she wasn't happy. They'd gone up to the security guard and told him who they were and that they were on the guest list.

The girls completely forgot to bring their ID's, so they weren't allowed in without verification that they were who they said they were. It was extremely frustrating.

Juno had called up Bobby multiple times but he didn't answer. Of course at a time like this, he'd have his phone on silent. She then tried called the rest of the band but once again, their phones were on silent.

Maeve was starting to regret not bringing herself a jacket. To be honest, she didn't even know why she didn't bring one. That question continues to go unanswered.

She was starting to get agitated about the whole situation so she moved out of the line. "I'll be back in a sec." She told Juno before heading back to the security guard who stared at her whilst crossing his arms.

"Not you again." He shook his head in annoyance. "You're not getting in." He told her, causing her groan in annoyance.

"We're friends with the band!" Maeve insisted, desperately trying to get in the building as she pointed at Juno.

The guard started to laugh at her words, "yeah, and I'm the secret member of Blur." He sarcastically spoke. "Nice try."

Maeve rolled her eyes at the man's jokes and pointed at Juno again. "She's literally dating the bassist!" She yelled angrily.

"It's okay, they're with us." The voice of Eli caught their attention as they turned around to face him.

Juno made her way towards the entrance door and the three all walked inside the building. They met up with the rest of the band backstage and sat down until it was time to go on stage.

Elijah looked over Maeve who seemed to be looking through her bag. "Everything okay?" He asked, noticing her looking annoyed.

She turned to face Juno with an apologetic look, "don't be mad." Maeve said quickly.

"Why would I be mad?" The girl replied with a confused tone, watching as Maeve pulled out her ID and showed her. "You said you didn't have it!" Juno started to laugh.

"I thought I didn't." Maeve covered her mouth in disbelief as she laughed too. "I'm so sorry." She continued to laugh.

"You are...unbelievable." Juno spoke in a jokingly tone as she shook her head.

"How can I make it up to you?" Maeve asked, gesturing to the situation they were facing earlier on.

"Well, you can buy me a drink." She proposed, giving her a soft look.

"Okay." Maeve sighed dramatically, getting up from her seat and turning to face the band. "You guys want anything?" She asked.

Eli stood up with her, "I'll come with you." He suggested, hoping she'd agree and let him come along with her.

She didn't say anything, not really minding if went with her or not. Maeve found herself feeling warm inside as she offered to come with her but she shrugged the feeling off and made her way to the bar.

Luckily it was empty as the doors hadn't opened yet, the show wasn't starting until a few hours so they'd have enough time without getting surrounded by fans.

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