━━━ Chapter Four . The Date That Isn't A Date

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Getting ready for a "date" isn't easy at all. Maeve was throwing things out of her wardrobe to try and find the perfect outfit, in hopes that Thomas Wilson would think she was pretty.

The thought of "disappointing" him practically haunted her, she couldn't stop thinking about it. She needed to impress him, make him feel a little bit of guilt for how he treated her in school.

Once Maeve finished getting ready, she noticed that he was waiting outside in his car, his eyes glued to his phone as he texted someone.

Anxiety filled her body as she opened the front door to make her way over to him.

"Wow." His mouth widened. "You look fit." Thomas told her with a smile on his face.

She tried to accept his "compliment" but it didn't feel right. Instead of having butterflies in her stomach when he spoke, she felt nauseous yet she got in the car.

"Thanks." Maeve mumbled as she put on her seatbelt.

The car ride was silent and Thomas kept changing the radio station until he found something he liked. He pressed one of the numbers and the sound of Parklife by Blur played.

"I fucking hate this song." Thomas spoke in an annoyed tone as he skipped over it.

Maeve wanted to jump out of the car right then. How could he not like Blur? Was something serious wrong with him? Did he need a doctor?

"I like it." She replied, causing him to let out a laugh. "Of course you do." He muttered.

"What does that mean?" She questioned, taking offence to his words.

"It means-" he started to explain. "Never mind, forget it." He then changed his mind. "So, are you still friends with that girl? What was her name?" Thomas asked. "Jessica?"

"Juno." Maeve rolled her eyes at his rudeness. "And yes, I'm still friends with her."

"Oh, I didn't see her at the party the other night." He told her in a confused tone.

"She was there but you did arrive late so she probably left with her boyfriend." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Isn't he the one in the band? Bono's son?" Thomas continued to ask questions.

"No, that's Eli. Juno is dating Bobby, the bassist." She was starting to get annoyed with him and his 20 questions.

The car suddenly came to a stop as they'd arrived at the local cinema. She watched as Thomas opened his door, clearly not going to open it her side and eventually got out the car herself.

They made their way into the entrance and luckily it didn't seem too busy inside. "Which film do you wanna watch?" He asked her.

Maeve thought about it for a second as she looked at the screen before responding, "look, they're playing throwbacks!" She spoke excitedly, pointing at the screen, hoping he'd choose Twilight, only to be met with disappointment.

"What about Fight Club?" Thomas suggested, causing her to laugh. "What?" He asked, not sure what was funny.

"Of course you'd pick that." She mocked his words from earlier on.

"Very funny." He sarcastically replied, "I'll be back in a sec, just paying for the seats." He said before walking over to the front.

Maybe this won't be so bad, Maeve thought to herself.

Once it was all payed for, they went into the screen and found their seats. It wasn't that busy but still a fair amount of people.

A few minutes went by and the film was about to start. Maeve had already finished her popcorn, that was a bad habit of hers. She's always finish the snack before the films start and then she'd get annoyed.

Maeve remembered the first time she watched Fight Club. It was at Juno's house and the band were there, she remembered how everyone sang at the end of the film to "Where is my Mind?" and Maeve laughed at Eli's dramatic portrayal of the song.

What? No, don't think about him whilst you're on a date. She told herself.

Her attention went back to Thomas, whose eyes were practically glued to the screen which showed Martha's first appearance. Then back to Eli and his stupid face which she couldn't help but miss.

 Then back to Eli and his stupid face which she couldn't help but miss

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"I had a lot of fun tonight." Thomas told her as they walked to his car.

It was late and all Maeve wanted to do was go home to bed. "Yeah, me too." She replied, not really caring about it.

"How about we go back to mine?" He gave her a suggestive look and she felt like she was going to be sick.

"Uh, no, thanks." She shook her head but she wasn't shocked.

"What? Why not? I thought we had fun." Thomas frowned at her response.

"Just because we watched a movie together, it doesn't mean I'm going to sleep with you. I do have some self respect, fucking hell." Maeve harshly glared at him.

"What the fuck, Maeve?" He looked both shocked and offended at her tone. "You haven't changed one bit." He told her. "Still a boring prude."

Maeve felt her heart race quickly as she tried not to punch him right in his stupid face. "I could say the same about you." She started. "You're still the same fucking arsehole you were in school." She spat at him angrily before walking away.

"Yeah, go back home to daddy and cry just like you always do!" He shouted at her as she continued to walk but she suddenly stopped and turned around, making her way back to him.

Maeve swung her fist at him, hitting him right in the nose. He groaned in pain and held it as blood poured out. "Dickhead." She shoved him one last time before walking off for good.

As much as Maeve wanted to cry, she didn't. Her eyes watered but she didn't let the tears fall, he wasn't worth it. She slowly got out her phone and clicked on a familiar number and let it ring.

"Eli, I need you to pick me up."

MILLIE SPEAKS !maeve slayed so hard

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maeve slayed so hard

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