━━━ Chapter Eleven . Kiss Me

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"I'm so so proud of you!" Juno yelled as she pulled Maeve into a massive hug, practically suffocating the poor girl.

"Okay, I really appreciate it but June, you're killing me right now." Maeve replied, trying to catch her breath.

"Oops, sorry." The girl quickly apologized and gave her an apologetic smile.

The rest of the band came rushing towards her and each gave Maeve a hug of their own, congratulating her and telling her how amazing she was.

"I'm so happy you all decided to come and watch me play, it means the world to me." Maeve grinned happily.

"But as much as I love you, I really need to get changed." She then added with a laugh. "I'll meet you back here once I'm done."

Elijah watched as she walked off backstage and turned to his friends. "I need to talk to her." Was all he said before chasing after her.

Once he got to the dressing room, he knocked lightly on the door and waited for a reply. "Come in!" Maeve yelled and he opened the door.

"Hey, what's up?" She questioned, her face looking confused as to why he was stood there with a blank expression.

Eli started to make his way towards her without a word and all of a sudden, he pulled her in for a kiss. At first, Maeve was taken away by the sudden move but eventually began to kiss back.

Once they both pulled away, she let out a small laugh. "What was that all about?" She asked him.

"I love you, Maeve." Eli confessed, his gaze softening as he saw the look on her face.

"Really?" She questioned as her voice cracked slightly. "Yeah, really." He repeated once again. "Do you feel the same?"

"Of course I do, you idiot." Maeve shook her head in disbelief before kissing him.

After their many kisses, Elijah went back to the group whilst Maeve got changed, only to see Juno stood there

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After their many kisses, Elijah went back to the group whilst Maeve got changed, only to see Juno stood there. He tried his best to hide the fact that they'd been kissing but the redness in his face and the lipstick stain would most definitely give it away.

"What's that on your face?" Juno asked, pointing to his cheek just as Maeve returned to the room.

"What's what?" Eli attempted to play dumb, trying to save their asses.

"Don't be stupid, there's lipstick on your face and it looks famil-" She then cut herself off and let out a dramatic gasp.

"Holy shit, that's Maeve's lipstick and that can only mean one thing!" The girl started to yell. "You kissed?!" She screamed.

"What?" Both Eli and Maeve said at the same time. "We weren't kissing." He shook his head.

"Then why is Maeve's lipstick all over your face?" Juno questioned, crossing her arms to add drama to it.

"You and Maeve kissed?" Bobby then came out of nowhere with the boys as they gave each other shocked looks.

"No!" The pair yelled in sync again, trying to defend themselves.

"To be quite honest with you, that does look like Maeve's lipstick." Josh butted in, shrugging his shoulders in response.

"And your lipstick is all smudged!" Juno pointed at Maeve's lips.

"I wasn't kissing Eli!" She yelled. "Then who were you kissing?" Enid asked her friend.

"Was it Pete Davidson?" Ryan's eyes widened. "Please tell me it wasn't." He shook his head. "What does he have? How is he getting everyone?"

"No, it wasn't Pete Davidson." Maeve reassured them all before looking over at Eli, who was avoiding eye contact. "It was, uh, you know...that guy." She began stumbling over her own words.

"No, we really don't know that guy." Bobby told her as Juno frowned slightly.

"You're my best friend, Maeve." She stated. "We're supposed to tell each other everything so why can't you tell me the truth?" Juno asked, not understanding.

"I'm sorry for lying to you." Maeve started to feel guilty for keeping it from her best friend. "It's true, me and Eli kissed and it was more than once."

"I fucking knew it!" Juno cheered with a huge smile on her face. "Tell me everything! Was it good? Bad? Was there any tongue?" She began asking every single question.

"I am right here, you know?" Eli spoke up, giving them both an offended look.

"I am right here, you know?" Eli spoke up, giving them both an offended look

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you're welcome :))))

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