the post 📱🎤

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AN: this takes place after the competition.
Main featured ship: Jailey
Hailey's POV:
Zander and the rest of the club dared Jake and I to sing an improv song. The rest of the club will be playing their instrument but Sean will be recording. I'm kind of nervous but I think we can do it. I really hope I don't mess anything up, especially in front of Jake. I have liked him for a while now but I'm to scared to say anything, because if I remember correctly he likes Daisy. I don't honestly know if he still likes her though. Well now I'm zoned out, I'm about to get to the club room and if I'm zoned out they will think I'm nervous. I need to snap myself out of this.

I reached the club room and everyone expect for Jake of course. That late idiot. But god do I love him. "Hey Hails!" Milly jumped at me and pulled me in a hug. "Hey Milly, what have you guys been up to?"
I say as she pulls out if the hug. "Nothing much!" She laughs nervously. "A teacher came in here and complained about how loud she was." Zander said,crossing his arms. "Milly!" I yell. After a few minutes Jake walks in the room. He immediately runs to me. He pulls me into a hug,it's one of our secret "hello's". "Hey Jake,are you alright?" he was in the hug for longer than normal. "Yeah I'm alright! How are you Hailey?" He let's go of the hug. "I'm alright, you ready to sing?" I ask and cross my arms. "Of course I am,princess." Whenever he calls me that my heart flutters. Zander starts death staring Zander so he hides behind me. "Zander,knock it off. Stop being so paranoid." Zander stops and rolls his eyes but Luke distracts him. I don't know what I'd do without Luke.

"Come on people! Let's go improving! Although the only improve is the singing. Sean,Luke,Zander and I already made up the instrument parts." Milly shrugs and gets her guitar. Sean grabs his phone and the phone holder, he starts setting it up and situates his laptop and DJ booth.By the time everyone else is situated Jake and I get to the middle of the room and begin practicing some vocals. "You ready Hailey?" He looks at me in the biggest smile I've seen all week. "Yup!" I say in response.

"DJ,hit that track!" And then we begin, we start vocalizing with the harmony and then he looks at me. "Would you like to start first?" He sings in his gorgeous singing voice that he has. "I honestly don't know the first verse." I sung back at him. "Well neither do I. I'm just as clueless at you are." He sung "Then I'll guess we will just wing it. It's now a new season." I sing looking back at him.

AN:god I feel so weird writing this improv song.

We vocalize a bit more before he starts up again. "Now that I look at your face. I see all your grace." That line he sung made my heart flutter so much I stuttered,he laughed a bit and so did I. "Well It's sad you just noticed. It's not like your ever focused." I say while I gently nudge him with my elbow and he laughs a bit. "Oh wow that was hilarious, oh, you really are serious." Now here comes the chorus at least I think. This whole song is a mess to be honest. "But I~ I swear I swear I will learn to love you." I sing and he follows my lead. "Oh I~ I swear I swear I love you~." He sings and we make eye contact that says it all. We both know the next line. "Oh I~ I love you. I love you." We both sing and then vocalize a bit more. He looked away during the vocalizing

AN: How did I make this all up on the spot...

I can already imagine Milly's smirk. She has always said Jake and I would be cute but that verse we just sung says it all in her book. "Now that we are halfway done. I believe this is really fun." Jake sung and looked down at me "I believe that is false. I really need to check my pulse." He laughed the looked back up. "How about we look around. This place makes my head go round and round." "Well
Jake I'm sorry to tell you but we don't have the time. I would rather waste my dime then have you waste my time." Here the chorus goes again. Expect I have a little change. "But I~ I swear I swear I now love you." He notices the change and smiles at me. He gives me butterflies yet again. "And I~ I swear I swear I will always,always love you." I wish he knew I actually loved him. I begin blushing and he pulls me into a hug as we sing the last line."Oh I~ I love you. I love you.~" we both sing and the music dies down. He lets go of the hug soon after. My face as red as a tomato.

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