Spoil that girl!👑🧸

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Jake's POV:

      It was Hailey and I's 6 month anniversary since they have been dating. I really wanted to do something special for her. She's really stubborn and hates being pampered so I'm going to make her let me pamper her. So I may or may not have bought a hair washing station, like the ones people use at salons. Hailey doesn't know and she will not hesitate to kill me. I also booked us a appointment at a nail salon. I usually go to nail salons but Hailey says she doesn't like people doing things for her when she can do them herself. She never does them herself. I also made a reservation at rosemeadow's gourmet diner, and Im planning and taking her on a shopping spree.  Im wearing fancier clothes than normal but it's just a button up,black shirt and some nice pants and shoes. Now it's time to grab Hailey from her house.

Hailey's POV:

I hear my doorbell go off and I'm the only one home so of course I need to go check it.I rush to the door only to find Jake, he's dressed fancier than normal but still smells like normal Jake, which I like. "Jake, What are you doing here?" I ask opening the door wider so I can see him fully. "No questions, go get dressed princess." Jake says and grabs my arm and walks inside the house to lead me to my room. "Jake, I know where my room is." I sigh. "I know, just let me treat you like the princess you are."

He says and opens my door for me. I shoo him away while I change into a black dress with pink little hearts on them, I wear black fishnets and a bow along with the outfit. I quickly do my hair and makeup, Jake loves my hair either way but he loves to play with it especially when it's down. "Hails are you done in their? You usually take like five minutes and it's been fifteen." He asks, knocking on the door. "Be patient Jake." I spray on his favorite perfume of mine and walk out the door. He quickly grabs my arm and we run downstairs and straight to his car. "What's the rush?" I say when he starts the car. "We have some stuff to do before about three-thirty. So we need to hurry." He drives us to his house with Taylor Swift's song Love Story in the background. I think that was intentional but you never know with Jake.

We pulled up to his drive and he opens my door for me and calls me m'lady. I basically died of laughter at that. "You're such a dork." I laugh and he grabs my hand gently and takes me inside the house to his room. It's much cleaner than usual and there is a random salon washing station? "uh-uh, nope, no way. I'm not doing this." I walk away from the room until his hand stops me from leaving. "Please princess? Stop being stubborn and let me take care of you today. It's our 6 month anniversary." He smiles warmly at me but he's using his stupid puppy eyes. "Fine." I sigh and he claps his hands. He takes me to the salon chair and picks me up to sit me down. "I can sit by myself too." I say as I roll my eyes. "I know, I just like to pick you up." He shrugs and fills the bowl up with warm water and he pulls out my favorite shampoo and conditioner.

He pumps some shampoo into his hands and begins to scrub it in my head. It feels like a relaxing message. I begin to close my eyes and Jake plays his playlist called "Songs That Remind Of Me Of Hails" the only reason I actually knew that was because he had played it for me before we started dating and ever since then we always listen to this playlist or Taylor Swift of course. I guess I'm finally giving into being pampered. But this is like the maximum. "I'm going to rinse the shampoo out then put the conditioner in, alright hails?" He pecked me on the nose gently with his lips.

Jake's POV:

As soon as I was done rinsing her shampoo and started putting in conditioner she fell asleep. I get it though, she's tired. She never sleeps for long due to anxiety. She's an over thinker for sure, not when it comes to me. She knows I love her, but her anxiety has her worrying about everything, it got to the point I brought a spray bottle with us everywhere and I'd shoot her with it when she would over think.

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