Winter Days Are Warmer With You❄️🫂

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My LATE Christmas gift to luv_zzz and to all of you of course. Merry Christmas for those who celebrate. 🫶

Hailey's POV:

      "Hailey, Get downstairs! Someone's at the door for you!" Bethany yelled, by the way she said it I could tell who she was talking about immediately. I quickly grabbed a peach colored bag and a blue one besides it before I went downstairs.

     When I got to the door I saw him. The person who could comfort me when no one else could, one of the only people who could make me smile and laugh like he did. "Hey Hails, Merry Christmas week!" He made finger guns at me with a wink. "Hey, Merry Christmas week to you." I chuckled as I leaned against the door frame.

"So, do you have any plans this week?" Jake asked. "No, not much going on, you?" I questioned back at him. "Yeah actually, my family is going to our favorite Christmas lodge. We go there every year. That's actually the reason I came here..." He said, leaving me in confusion. "What do you mean by that?" I asked with a head tilt of confusion.

"I was going to ask if you want to come spend Christmas week with me at the lodge. I felt you'd enjoy it." He shrugged nervously. "Oh my Luni, I would love to go! When are you guys heading out?" I asked. "Tomorrow morning. You can meet at my place around six?" He raised an eyebrow at me, waiting for a response. "Yeah, let me ask my parents and I'll be there! Thank you Jake." I smiled. "Yeah, no problem." He smiled as he began to walk off. "See ya tomorrow Hails, get your rest." He muttered as he walked to his car. "See you!" I yelled in reply.

"So, going to Jake's lodge for the holidays huh?" My dad raised an eyebrow at me as he approached me. "Yeah, is that alright with you?" I asked with puppy dog eyes. "Ah, you know I can't say no to that. Just be careful and keep your phone on you at all times kiddo." He ruffled my hair as he walked away. "Yes!" I mumbled to myself. "Thank youuu!" I said loud enough for my father to hear.

The morning came quickly. I just barely had time to pack all my clothes and extra stuff before five. The rest of that hour I spent getting ready and being dropped off to Jake's. "Be good Hailey!" Shannon called from the car. "Have fun, but not too much." Zander gave Jake one of his "terrifying" faces. "Yes sir." Jake said as he walked me to his mom's mini van.

         I've only been in his mom's car twice: once because Jake had caught me crying at the park at midnight and asked his mom to pick us both up, and the other time was so she could take us to voice lessons his mom signed us up for. let's just say we didn't go back after that.

        "Let me put those in the trunk." He grabbed my bags and put them in the trunk. "Milo's gonna be in the car with us so do you want to sit in the back row or the middle?  The other row will be Milo and I's row." He rolled his eyes when he saw his younger brother, Milo sticking his tongue out. "You can sit with me if you want. I don't need a whole row to myself. However, I think I'd prefer the back." I smiled. "Yeah, if you don't mind. Milo can be a pain in the car." He laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck again. "Great, Let's get it!" I hopped into the back row of his car, settling myself on the farthest seat.

Jake's POV:

      I got inside the car after Hailey got in. She moved her hair out of her face before buckling her seat belt. We looked at each for a second before she started giggling. Was my hair a mess? "What's up?" I asked. "Remember that time when that voice teacher your mom signed us up with hit you with the sandal because you wouldn't listen? You had a bruise there for a week. A- and you kept saying it was because you "won a fight"." She continued laughing, harder after every word. When she speaks she moves her hands. Mostly when she's nervous or when she's trying to explain something but it's really adorable.

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