Just Dance💃🕺

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Milly's POV:

    The whole club was invited to Hailey and Zander's for a sleepover. I was of course a little late but probably not as late as Jake. He's like a brother to me and I love him but I won't say it doesn't bother me that he's always late. I grabbed my bag and headed out. We were all dressed in our matching pajamas, the shirt was customized made to say "music freak" on it. It was black and the words were white. And for our pants, they are black and red checkered pajama pants.

At Hailey and Zander's:

As soon as I got to Hailey and Zander's I noticed everyone was there,including Jake. I was very confused to how he beat me for the first time. "Well well well, I finally beat you Milly." Jake stood up and we did our classic handshake. "Stop rubbing it in,Jake!" I playfully punched him in the arm. "Sorry,sorry." Jake put his hands up in surrender and sat next to Hailey. I always have thought those two would make a great couple. "So how in hell did you actually beat me here?" I said taking my seat next to Sean. "I walked home with Hailey after school. I brought everything I needed in my backpack." He said as he shrugged. "More proof you two are dating." I teased and Hailey's face turned a bright red,Zander gave me his classic death stare and Jake was a bit busy trying to help Hailey out of embarrassment.

20 minutes later:

"Hey, you know what we should do!" I yelled, scaring Jake so bad he jumped onto Hailey. "Get off, you dork!" Hailey said. "Anyways, what should we do,Milly?" Sean said. "I think we should play Just Dance!" I said raising my hands in the air. "You know what Milly, that's a good idea!" Hailey said pushing Jake off her. "I'll get the TV set up." Zander said as he stood up and dragged Luke with him. Those two make me sick sometimes.

     After Just Dance was set up Jake choose to go first. He picked a really silly one. He choose the song Chiwawa. "I need to record this shit." I yelled and Sean gave me the "watch your language missy" stare. I pulled out my phone and he began dancing. He looked so funny! Little did he know I was going to post this later on my instagram. "Why is this actually fun?" Jake said in the middle of the dance. "Because your a dork." Hailey said with a hand on her hip,she has her hair down and I love when it's down. She sometimes even lets me play with her hair! "Of course he likes that one." Zander crosses his arms. "Leave him alone Zander." Luke says and kisses him on the cheek.

     Jake finished his dance and now it was Hailey's turn. She picked Bejeweled by Taylor Swift. When it was Zander's turn he said he "needed Luke" to dance with him so they picked Timber. When it was Sean's turn he couldn't choose so I made him do Super bass by Nicki Minaj. He looked so uncomfortable it was funny. I didn't force him though he said it was fine, I wouldn't force him to do anything. For my turn I choose Good For You by Olivia Rodrigo. I honestly didn't know what to choose. Then Jake and I decided to do Barbie Girl just for fun. And then Jake and Hailey did Love Story, also by Taylor Swift ! It was such a cute dance. I recoded it all, I would be posting that too.

    It was time to pick room assignments. Their house had 2 extra rooms,however we would only be using one of them because of their parents. "Hey Sean, come here!" I yelled. "What's up Mills?" Sean said whispering. "Wanna room together so we can force Hailey and Jake in the same room?" I knew my plan would work if he said yes. All that would get in the way was Zander,but that's why we have Luke. "Sure,but won't that be weird for them?" Sean said. "Yeah but who cares!" Sean and I would room,Luke and Zander would room, and Hailey and Jake would room. Things were already awkward because of that just dance but now we would make sure they would confess. "Okay so who's rooming with who?" Hailey called out,clapping her hands together. It scared Jake and he jumped onto Hailey again. I'm pretty sure Hailey is comfort person, whenever he's down he always goes over I've heard from Zander. He often spends the night in their guest room too. He also helps Hailey so it's even. They are super close. She is also the only person who can get him to open up. Nobody knew about his bullies until that fight between Drew and Jake.

    "Sorry Jake!" Hailey said hugging him back. "It's alright Hails." Jake said. "Me and Luke are rooming." Zander said as he dragged Luke to his room. Now was our time. "Sean and I are rooming!" I said raising our hands in the air. "Okay then, that leaves Jake and I." Hailey said, her face turning red towards the last part of the sentence. Sean and I went to our room and minded our own business,for now. We would go and check on them later that night maybe.

Hailey's POV:

AN: Idk why I love writing in Hailey's POV

     Jake and I would be rooming together for the first time. He always comes over but we have never had to room together. Things have been awkward ever since the just dance we did together. I mean we always listen to Taylor Swift together but that just dance really was something else. "Come on princess,let's head to your room. We can listen to Taylor if you want?" Jake said,taking my hand and pulling me into my room. My stomach has butterflies whenever he calls me princess. It makes me want to scream. Am I falling for him? I always just thought he was a close friend. I mean Milly has said she thinks we would be perfect for each other.

   We got to my room and put on Taylor Swift and then the song Lover was half way done. "Hailey, are you okay?" Jake said taking a seat on my bed and patting  besides him as a sign to take a seat besides him."Yeah I'm fine." I said, sitting besides him. "Hailey,I know your lying. And I think I know what's wrong."

    Jake tilted my chin up to look up at him and then he kissed me. The song Wildest Dreams came on and he pulled away to stare at me. He put his right hand on the back of my head touching my hair, and his left on my waist. I put both my hands on his neck as we kissed more. "Hailey Austin, I love you so much. Will you be my girlfriend?" Jake said after pulling away from the kiss. "Of course Jake." I said and hugged him. We laid on the bed and then I turned towards him and put my head on his chest when he pulled me into a hug. We just cuddled the rest of the night until we fell asleep with Taylor Swift still on in the background.

The morning:
Milly's POV:
    It was the morning and I was sure our plan would work. I snuck in their room with Sean and we saw Jake and Hailey cuddled up besides each other until I realized Jake was awake, he kissed Hailey on the forehead and then she woke up. "Morning princess." Jake said. "Good morning Jake." I noticed there was Taylor Swift still on. Sean and I looked at each other and then we looked back and I saw them kissing. That was our cue to leave. Cupid mission number 1 success.

Word Count: 1337

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