My Savior🗣️🚗

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Angsty🤭 plus I really need to make stories about other characters and I wanted to make someone happy today! I apologize for any Taylor haters because I quoted Taylor.

⚠️Implied abuse

Implied Saisy
Very slight Jailey

"I was crying in a getaway car" - Getaway Car by Taylor Swift

Sean's POV:

      Sometimes things are peaceful. Sometimes things aren't. I've learned to live with it but it still hurts. That's why I need my music, my laptop, my headphones, my club. I love them all dearly. I just haven't told the club about my family issues, and I don't know how they would take it, especially Milly.

However tonight's arguing is getting pretty bad. I'm sure I'll be fine though. Based of what Im hearing and dad's voice I'm sure mom's mad that dad's drunk again. That means he says stupid things he doesn't mean..... or maybe sometimes he does mean it he just doesn't mean to say it out loud. I still love my dad even if he does say rude things. I would do anything for my family and friends, even if it means getting yelled at.

       I walked over to my headphones and began to put them on my head, connecting them to my laptop so I can work on a track. I sat down on my beanbag and turned my laptop on. "See this is why you don't belong in this family!" I heard my mom yell. Tears formed in my eyes. That one hurt for some reason. "Well I didn't decide to even have a baby, Bianca! I don't even want one now!" Never mind. That one was worse. Tears slowly began to shed. I began to work on the track to distract myself from the tears falling down my face.

I sat there in my room soaked in tears and making a track until I heard my phone buzz. It was Milly. She was FaceTiming me. I couldn't answer and let her see me like this. I cant do that to Milly. So I declined and texted her I was going to bed. Which I eventually did when I finished the track. I kept my headphones on as I slept.

Next morning:

I wake up as tired as ever. I had fell asleep at three thirty in the morning. The arguing was kind of hard to ignore even after all these years. I get up and look in the mirror. I look dead, no like literally. I look like a zombie. But I know I still have to go to school or I'll never hear the end of it.

    After I got ready I head to my car. I didn't have the chance to say bye to my parents but that's fine. I get in my car and head on my way to school. I turned my radio on and put the playlist Daisy and I made. By the time I get to school I only have about five minutes till class starts since I woke up late. I see Milly in the halls and you can tell she looks some what worried when she turned her head to me. Milly began to run towards me. "Hey Sean, you look like a dinosaur stepped on you and then you turned into a zombie." She hit me in the arm. "Oh? What makes you say that?" I asked as I tilted my head. "You look like you got no sleep last night." She shrugged.

Band rehearsals:
Milly's POV:

Sean was later than Jake. Something had to be up with him. He briefly mentioned having family issues in the past but it probably isn't a big deal. Although.... It could be serious? We'll see. "Hey guys." Sean walked in, he looked tired. "Good morning Sean!" Hailey turned around along side Jake who had been helping her with some lyrics. "Morning guys." He waved and chuckled. It wasn't a happy chuckle though, I could tell. "Good morning!" I jumped on him causing him to stumble a bit. "Morning Mills!" He attempted to be happier. "Whats wrong boomer?" I playfully hit him in the arm. "Nah, nothings wrong Mills! I'm all good." He shook his head at me. "Whatever you say~." I said as I walked away to my guitar. "Okay you guys ready?" Hailey said as she walked up to the front with Jake interlocking fingers.

"Okay! That was a pretty good rehearsal. Let's see, we have about five minutes till this period is done. I guess we can just hang out?" Hailey shrugged. "Yay! Thank you Hailey!" I gave her a quick hug before Zander stole my phone from my pocket. "Hey get back here!" I chassed him around the room. We kept on accidentally bumping into Sean though. Eventually we accidentally knocked him over to the floor. When I went to help him up he just started.... crying? He's never cried in front of us really. "Sean?" I said as I pulled him up from the ground. "I-I'm fine Milly! Be right back." He said before he stormed off to the bathroom. "I'll... go check on him." Jake said.

Sean's POV:

I wasn't mad at them. All my emotions just bottled up and I snapped. I've never told Daisy about this either. I wouldn't want to worry her. "Hey, uhm Sean?" Jake walked in the bathroom. "Yeah, perfectly fine dude." I say as I wash my face to make the tear stains go away. "No, you're not okay. What's wrong?" Jake asks as he walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's just there's a lot going on right now." I sighed. "You can talk to me. I'll listen." Jake smiled. And I began to tell him everything.

    "So, yeah.." I finished saying everything and then he pulls me into a hug. "I'm so sorry Sean." Jake hugs me. "Come on Jake, let's go." I pulled him by his hand and walked out the restroom, trying to act like nothing happened. "Hey you two!" Hailey smiles. We resumed to rehearsals after we all smiled at each other.

Milly's POV:

Yes yes, I know Jake shouldn't have told us about what happened but we were all really worried. Plus we could kinda hear them anyway so even if Jake didn't say anything we would've known what happened. (The bathrooms are really close to us for some reason)

I have a plan though. Since it's night and we are all really worried about Sean I figured why not I take Sean out as a surprise! Of course without his parents knowledge. I got in the new car my parents got me even though I'm still fifteen... but that doesn't matter!

    I texted all the club members besides Sean of course and they were all on board. I went and got them immediately.

    When I pulled up to his place I parked a little farther away so his parents wouldn't notice. I got out of the car and luckily had brought a ladder to climb up to his roof and get him from the window that leads to his roof in his room. "Psst psst" I said as I somehow opened his window. He looked up at me and his eyes were puffy, it was quite obvious he was crying. "M-milly?! Where did you come from?" He sniffled as he walked toward the window. "My mom, now get out here." I pulled him by his hand out the window.

    When he saw the car filled with the club he sobbed. Literally sobbed. "Guys..." he cried. "Surprise! We wanted to take you out for a bit!" Hailey smiled. "Now come on you boomer and get inside the car!" I laughed as I took his hand and helped him get inside the car.

Sean's POV:

     We drove around for a while everyone singing and dancing. "Song requests?" Milly asked, practically yelling because of how loud Jake and Hailey were screaming lyrics. "Getaway car, maybe? That's one of the few Taylor Swift songs I like." I asked. We screamed the lyrics, every single one as we drove to the beach to relax there.

     I am so thankful for them. I guess that night I really was crying in the getaway car. I loved every second of it. I love them so much.

Well this took me a bit. Also I re broke my elbow sadly so things may take me a bit longer now. However I'm trying to get back into writing from my break. This was for the amazing IAmJustA_TMFreak

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