Kahoot 📱👩‍🏫

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I know they all most likely wouldn't be in the same class but for my sake let's say they are. Seating chart: Jake and Hailey, Luke and Zander, Sadie and Daisy, Milly and Elliot, Drew and Stacy(not shipping them) Liam and Henry, Lia and Sean, And Zoey by herself because no one likes her. This is also inspired by a meme I found on Pinterest. This felt so weird to write. I don't like this one. :(

3rd person POV:

   "Alright class, everyone grab their laptops! We are playing Kahoot today!" Mrs Jones clapped her hands startling Jake who was sat besides Hailey. "Jake, calm down." Hailey put a hand on his shoulder to calm him. "Keep down the PDA love birds." Milly yelled and Hailey put her head into Jake's chest and groaned in embarrassment as Jake shushed her. The class all grabbed our chrome books and logged into Kahoot. "Please choose appropriate names and log into the code on the screen."  Liam and Henry laughed in the corner of the room clearly planning something. "The code is 6198093" Mrs Jones said with a warm smile. Liam laughed and then someone popped up on the screen, people began looking up at the screen laughing, the name was "Stacy's mom is hotter than you " and of course that was Liam. "Liam, that is not acceptable." Mrs. Jones kicked him out out of the game. "Hey!" Liam shouted "Liam you can no longer play." Mrs Jones took his chrome book away.

    Jake entered his name as "hailey's pookie bear" (AN: that was my user when I was playing Exposed with my friends)
Jake smirked at Hailey as she entered the game as "The singer's girlfriend" Mrs.Jones smiled at the two before checking Jake's user name one last time. "Jake, is that something inappropriate? I don't know what "pookie bear" means?" Mrs Jones sighed and the whole class laughed. "No not at all. It's just a nickname, no worries Mrs Jones." He waved his hands. "Good!" Mrs.Jones clapped again and this time Jake yelled. "Jake, calm the hell down." Zander looked at him from 2 tables away." He grabbed Hailey's hand from under the table and Hailey gave in to the hand holding making them both blush, until a new person joined. "Zander" popped up on the screen followed by a series of people "Luke:)", "MILLYYYYYYY🎸", "Elliot🌷", "Dj Sean🎧", "Little miss "perfect"". That one made everyone stare at Daisy to the point where Sean felt bad and asked if she was okay, she nodded but Sean had to text her just to double check.
Messages between "Dj Sean" and "Daisy🫶"

DJ Sean: Are you positive you are alright? You seem really upset.

Daisy🫶: Positive Sean. People just found out about my head girl title being removed so people are calling me "little miss not so perfect" and it's getting annoying.

DJ Sean: I'm so sorry Daisy, if you ever need to talk I'm here, alright?❤️

Daisy🫶: Of course Sean, Thanks for checking in❤️

Real life again

   The next names that popped up were: "Lettuce monster🥬", "Zo Zo💋" which sounded a lot like "Za Za" so everyone laughed at Zoey, expect Daisy, Sadie, and Sean because Sean and Daisy were clueless and Sadie only ever laughs when it comes to Daisy. Meanwhile Jake and Haley were falling into each others arms out of laughter.

   Next names were: "Princess Lia👑", "sadie", and lastly "Stace" who was Stacy. "I'm going to start the game now!" Mrs Jones said as she started up the game. The topic was "Gacha Logic" which was the class she taught.  The first question popped up on the screen. "Who invented Gacha?" Everyone got ready to select their choice. "EASY! ITS THE PURPLE ONE!!!!" Milly shouted, there was no purple one. "LIAR! ITS THE BROWN ONE!!!" Henry yelled. "Shut the hell up." Drew yelled. "You don't get a say in what I do, drew." Milly's voice became serious as she used her desk to stand up. "Milly, please calm down!" Elliot said as she tugged on her shirt to pull her down. Drew laughed. "Pfft have to have your little boyfriend  to help with your anger because you 'can't control it'? Drew put air quotations around "can't control it" Elliot blushed red and Milly stood back up until Mrs.Jones spoke. "Millicent please control your anger." She said in a begging voice. "Im going to see the answers now. "8 got it correct, 3 people got it wrong! On top is 'Little Miss "perfect"' second place goes to 'The singer's girlfriend' and third goes to 'DJ Sean'!" Mrs Jones clapped as she spoke.

    Next question is "The spoiled brat and the blank child!" Mrs Jones said before people got ready to click. "It's abused!" Henry shouted. "He's being an idiot." Jake said rolling his eyes in his direction which made Hailey laugh. "Okay so everyone expect one person got it right! The top players stayed the same. And the answer was 'hated'." Mrs Jones said with a warm smile.

   The next question was "What is gacha logic?" This time Hailey passed Daisy. Zoey began throwing a hissy fit because she sucked. "Ugh! Why won't the stupid game work!" Zoey complained. "I don't think it's the game, I think it's your brain." Milly said

    The fourth out of five questions was "demon,angel,werewolf,alpha,fairy,hated child, ———" Somehow Jake managed to pass Sean based off how fast he clicked the answer. "Oh come on!" Zoey complained. "Zoey shut up already no one wants to hear your squeaky complaining voice." Lia said and Drew burst out laughing. "That was a good one." Drew said. "I try." Lia shrugged

   The last question was "what does GGLM mean?" "Why is this kinda easy." Zander said. "You're literally in 6 place Zander." Liam said, bored out of his mind. "Hey don't shame people for what place they are in!" Jake joined in and Hailey laughed and rewarded him with a kiss on the cheek.

Final Scores:
•Little Miss "perfect"
•The Singer's Girlfriend
•Hailey's Pookie Bear
•DJ Sean🎧
•Princess Lia👑
•Elliot 🌷
•Zo Zo💋

   "Ugh! Second to last place!" Zoey rolled her eyes and left the room, Mrs Jones didn't care, in fact she was happy she left. "Oh yeah!!! I beat Zoey!" Milly yelled and it startled Elliot so he begun to comfort him while Jake and Hailey were congratulating each other. "Congrats to Daisy! You can get something free from the vending machines!" Mrs Jones clapped her hands. "I want something from the vending machines for free!" Henry and Liam accidentally said at the same time. "That was weird." Stacy said. "It was super silly!" Milly said and Hailey giggled. Jake wrapped his arm around Hailey's waist and she dug her head into his neck until the bell rang. "You're too stupid for this class honestly Henry." Drew said. "Your mom. Haha loser." He stuck up a L at him and skipped away happily.

What a great first period class!

Word Count: 1175

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