Japan. A nation with wonderful culture, history, and one of the largest economies in the world! Will the countryhumans fandom make Japan a calm, traditional country? Or an energetic, friendly nation, with an urge to succeed? Either way, it must be something respectful. Right?
It appears that some individuals in the countryhumans fandom has made the Japanese nation an insane stalker who will do anything for America. Seriously? One thing I never understood about the countryhumans fandom is the dynamic some people seem to portray between Japan and America. They are good friends and have put the past behind for a common cause. Is a respectable Japan too much to ask? Listen, I know it's your creativity, you can do whatever you want with it, but at least try and portray countries accurately? There's a reason why it's called the COUNTRYhumans fandom. You can't just make characters random people and have random relationships between them, unless there are multiple people who represent a country in your AU.
Honestly, I just think this is my problem with the fandom itself. It's all pretty random. The fandom itself should be somewhat political or historical. Like, I get if you want to write a story about a country, but the way your present a country is simply outrageous! I don't get why Japan is antagonized in so many RusAme books. Yes, Japan would have a problem with Russia due to border disputes and recent events, but even Russia has a problem with Russia (Explantation in comments)!
Ok, I need to calm down a bit. Let's analyze Japan's character slowly.
First of all, the design. As most of you know, Japan mostly has cat ears and has a tail. I think it's kind of cute, and could represent their entertainment industry (not saying all of it's like that). However, there are some depictions which, um, how do I put this? Basically, they're disgusting NSFW or extremely obese. I'll let this slide, since I'm trying to be friendly here. However, the male version looks quite normal, often dressed in casual clothing and neutral facial expression.
Let's talk about the character. Japan is often portrayed as a female. With the "cute", bubbly personality. I don't have a problem with this, I have a problem with them antagonizing Japan for doing nothing. Where Japan is a yandere who only wants America to be with her. This annoys me, because the a good portion countryhumans fandom couldn't even care enough to make anything politically or historically accurate.
Like I've been saying throughout this part, I'm not trying to limit anyone's creativity. I'm just asking for one simple thing; accuracy.