Chapter 9 (-The Return-)

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Mono*hurting: ACH!!


As Mono tried to stop he felt as his arm pushed back in its socket by Ten, who got off the brown haired boy, and picked him up from the ground

Mono: ~Ow~

Ten: Oh stop being such a wussy! Now come on and let's go! I want to get out this damn imprisonment and finally continue on our damn journey across the city

Mono: B-But what about Elaine!? I can't just leave her!

Ten: I don't care what you think damnit! Dare challenge me and I'll make sure you get something worse then a dislocated arm

Walking away Mono looked with a bitter expression on his face, dusting himself off Mono quickly started head towards the direction of Ten, and when he caught up he seen everyone who was prepared to leave

After a while Mono and the group had made their way back to the base, after a while they were able to stop for a quick break, and while Mono was sitting he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned to see it was Elaine

Elaine*smiles: Hey Mono

Mono: Hey Elaine.....What are doing here? I thought you left to use the restroom with Ten and Alexis?

Elaine: I did I'm just quick ~heh~ I just wanted to talk and catch up on all the time we missed

Mono:....I'm going to be honest....after you left everything went crumbling down.....really down....You see I don't really remember much but I was brought into a little house

And there were kids everywhere, but....they died, and I was the only one to make it out, I met some people along the way.....but that I don't want to talk about....ever

Elaine*sadden: I'm sorry You had to watch people die like that...but I can see that when you were talking about those people you met....what about them?

Mono: I....Was left for dead, they said I was practically slowing them down and dropped me into a deep a hole of complete darkness

Hearing this Elaine rubbed Mono's shoulder after hearing his first half of the story, but later he began to explain everything even on how he met Ten, Elaine couldn't help but show pure concern

But Mono looked away, after a while they hugged it out and returned back to the group and continued, and when they arrived, the trio were praised while Mono and Ten were dragged down to their cell





Mono: *sighs* This sucks....I'm tired of sitting here!

Ten*annoyed: Shut up will ya! We've only been in here for 17 hours! And I'm trying to sleep!!

Mono*nervous: S-Sorry I'm just still having pain from falling, I can't really sleep.....Hey I just wanted to say thanks for helping me...I know it isn't much but I hope we can be friends.......Ten?

Ten*sleeping: ~Zzzzzzz~

Mono:...*sighs* Why did I even bother? I'll probably be killed after her mission

Laying himself down on the ground Mono felt the coldness of the bricks on the floor fill his body, he shivered for a moment but calmed himself down as his body heat came

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