Chapter 6 (-The Quest-)

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Mono: So.....What do you want from us?

Smiley: It's not me who wants anything, but somone who you'll both meet in short period of time, but for now enjoy your beds

Smiley then started to walk away in the darkness, both Mono and Ten were confused but decided to take his advice and get comfortable

Mono: Do you think it's about those 2 people I killed?

Ten*annoyed: No shit sherlock! They probably want our heads because of you!!

Mono*confused: Me!? If I remember you helped!

Ten:....Damn! So... What's the plan no3? Just sit here and wait till they finish preparing our choices of death?

Mono:....This cell is made of pure iron, there's nothing we can do

Ten*angry: DAMNIT!! I this is not how I envisioned my death!! I don't want to die with a boy who stinks!! And has such low confidence!!

Mono*annoyed: Oh shut already.....We can probably take the guards down....but it depends on how many there are, but your still injured

Ten: I'm a fighter not a quitter you asshole

Mono: Whatever

A minutes passed and both had continued to talk, but when they heard the sound of a door opening, they both looked and seen 2 people standing with chains in their hands

Kid #1: Put these on

Kid #2: The Leader wants to talk to the both of you now

Mono/Ten*mind: Shit

Both looked at each other and nodded, they both walked towards the front of the cell door and put the chains on their hands








????: REVEAL!!

Mono*confused: Uh? How did I get here?! HEY WHO ARE YOU?!

Looking around, Mono seen that Ten was nowhere to be seen, Mono tried moving but noticed that he was still chaind


????: She is fine, she has already been talked to, now it is your turn to agree to my quest I have for you

Mono*confused: And why would I agree to help you? You're holding us as prisoners!

????*smiles: Or else I'll have to behead you both and you wouldn't want that now would you, I'll even provide you both with weapons

Mono only looked towards the unknown girl, he thought about it then sighed in defeat and looked towards her

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