Chapter 10 (-Sally The Mechanic-)

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Sally: *sighs* Finally, if I would have to spend another minute in that room I'd be dea-

Before she could finish her sentence, Sally felt a hand on her shoulder, and she turned to see Mono who stood there with his usual no emotionless but sad looking ey

Mono: Hey Sally

Sally*happy: HEY! You're back! It's good to know that I finally have someone to talk to now ~HeHe~ SO! How was the journey? Was it interestin- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!! YOUR ARM

Without hesitation Sally grabbed Mono's arm making feel a sting of pain, but brushed it off when Sally continued inspecting his injuries, he had forgotten his coat at the sell so this had shown

All his injuries that he had acquired while on his journey. Mono tired playing them off but Sally simply flicked his forehead in return making him shut his mouth in annoyance since he didn't want to show his frustration

Mono:......Like I said I'm fine, the injuries will be healed in no time, besides their minor injuries so that makes it better I guess

Sally: You fell off a shelf and had the same shelf collapse on top of you crushing you, that is a simple injury to you?

Mono*nervous: Well when you put it like that you make it sound as if I were the luckiest person to live

Sally: *sighs* When it comes to simple knowledge you can't be questioned, but all though you miraculously survived a fall any person would have been killed by and suffered minor damage it's good to know we got you here

Mono: Heh thanks....I guess, so I read the letter you left me....I'd like to get to know you too

Hearing this, the young girl's face went a light shade of pink and her hidden eye's went wide, she then formed a smile on her face

Sally*happy: Thanks

Mono: Yeah....I like making new friends, it helps me socialize more

Hearing this the smile on the girl's face started to go down and her happy expression changed to that of sadness, but soon she took Mono's non injured hand and held it giving her smile again

Sally*smiling: Y-Yeah....Friends

Mono: So what were you up to while we were away? I heard from Jonathan that you were making weapon that could distract the Viewers?

Sally: Oh! Yeah, here come I'll show you the prototype of it, though it's still under maintenance

Leading Mono to the next room, Mono seen tools and many photos hanging from the dark ceiling, though it was dark Sally turned on a flashlight that hung from almost worn out duck tape, she reached for a tool box

And pulled out what at first glance what seemed like a old handgun, it had rusted wood for grip and the rest was made of molten metal, Mono was stunned by it's appearance and touch it, the temperature was cold but that was normal when touching metal

And pulled out what at first glance what seemed like a old handgun, it had rusted wood for grip and the rest was made of molten metal, Mono was stunned by it's appearance and touch it, the temperature was cold but that was normal when touching metal

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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