[44] - Facing the Past

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My interview dress is so tight that I can barely breathe, but that might be because of the memories it brings back. Of course, my stylists have made sure to make it the same shade as the bloody moon that shone down on me in the Arena.

I try to take deep breaths like Laurentia told me to, but it's hard to focus knowing that I'm about to step onto a stage in front of thousands of people. Will I ever escape from these memories of the Arena? Will the color red remind me of the blood moon for the rest of my life? Will the birds that hang around the power plant in District Five remind me of Russell's death as he was ripped to shreds before my eyes?

The crowd is so loud that I can feel the ground rumbling beneath me. I'm backstage, waiting for Ross Carmichael to read my name and force me into the spotlight. A few more seconds of peace before the cameras are back on me.

Simon's in the audience somewhere right now, waiting for the show to start. He only left a few minutes ago, but I'm still thinking about what he told me.

This is the last time the Capitol will see you for six months, he'd said. They're going to drag out every little thing they want to ask you because this is their last chance. You're gonna see things you don't want to remember, and you're going to be forced to relive them in front of a thousand cameras. But this is it - when it's over, we go home.

This is the last push now. Home... I still haven't thought about going back to District Five. What will everyone think of me when I've returned? Will I go back to working in the power plant, or will everything be different?

I don't have time to worry about any of that now. Whatever happens will happen... I'm sure it'll sort itself out. I have to worry about this right now.

The only person up here with me is Laurentia. The woman next to me gives me a squeeze on my shoulder.

"You look beautiful, Luna," she whispers, but I couldn't care less how I look. I want to be anywhere but here.

Simon's words stick in my mind. I already know what I'm about to face... I'm going to have to relive my brother's death, Sienna's betrayal, nearly dying at the Feast... and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

A shiver runs down my spine as the horns of Ross' theme song play. The crowd roars as their favorite host sweeps onto the stage, and then it's time.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Ross says, his voice booming through speakers, "your Victor of the 117th Hunger Games, Luna Brimstone!"

Laurentia pushes me onto the stage, and the bright lights blind me almost immediately. Always the gentleman, Ross makes his way across the stage, guiding me by the elbow to my seat.

"Let's get you seated, Luna," Ross says with humor in his voice. "Wouldn't want you to get all this way just to fall off the stage!"

I force a laugh, but I feel brutally uncomfortable being watched by all of these important people. I know I'm the Victor and all, but couldn't they have just canceled the interview? Do any of these people actually care about me?

"Luna, congratulations on your victory," Ross says, tilting his head in my direction. "I will say, you've proven more than anyone that the Games are never over until the last moment. I counted you out, Luna, but you proved me wrong. Am I right, folks?"

At Ross' cue, the crowd cheers.

"Now, before we get to tonight's questions, let's begin with a recap of this year's Hunger Games," Ross says with a wide grin. "Roll the tapes!"

I shudder, but I turn to face the screen behind me. At least the audience won't be able to see my face from this angle.

The tapes begin with the Bloodbath. A camera zooms on me as I run away, Sienna's hand in mine. At the Cornucopia, Amanda looks majestic as she impales Jax through the chest. Lindsay launches herself at the Career, but she's no match for Amanda's prowess.

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