Welcome, Journal

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December 25th: 2021

Welp, I never usually do these things on time but since it's the holidays and the new year I suppose I could start working on myself for the better. My name's Jack, sorta of a basic name but eh. I'm one of the many engine drivers on the Northwestern railway. You might've heard of it. It literally has a book series and television show about it. The engine I drive is the railway's number nine, a dirty grubby Scottish engine called Donald who I love to bits. I work with Clay Dunes and Louie...I don't really know his last name. Clay's up here in the cab las the fireman, he's a dimwitted prick and a massive fan of Family Guy, he literally won't shut up about it. Louie on the other hand is our assigned Guard (yes, those are a thing now) he's really obnoxious but also a little fragile. Me on the other hand, I'm an Aussie who's a really big puss. As many (should) know Donald has a twin, Douglas. I have my own twin too, his name's Hunter and he drives Douglas, pretty sweet huh? Anyway, today's Christmas and Hunter got me this cool little journal since sometimes I'm a bit unorganized and I have a knack for forgetting stuff sometimes. So I guess I can try to at least keep track of things now. As for the railway it's obviously been very busy during these winter months, however, with Christmas now over things should hopefully be winding down a bit.

It's a little while later, we're currently waiting for a signal at Cronk so I guess I have time to write a little more. Donald's been a bit more upbeat today, the holiday spirit finally caught up to him. He's been a pain in the ass all week. Maybe spending time with the others has helped his mood. I suppose since it hasn't really been shown in the books or show due to a lack of stories  but Donald really does have a personal connection to everyone on the island, he obviously cares very much for his brother however he has a real personal connection to another engine not shown that often. Harvey, our crane engine. It could be due to the fact he's Scottish or some other reason he's actually never told me nor was I around to see it. As for more about me. Me and Hunter came from Australia being huge fans of the show we flew here looking to drive an engine and after many nagging months of being a workmen and fireman finally was able to be able to drive an engine, now the old days of being randomly assigned an engine was over for the most part and crews were now allow to pick any engine to drive for their career and as mentioned before I chose Donald while Hunter picked Dougals. Donald also liked the gift Hunter gave me, he said maybe I can finally remember where we put his snowplow, jackass. He also said it could be a good way of documenting all the silly shenanigans that happen on the railway and upload them to the web (remember these engines don't know Human technology that much) which doesn't sound like a bad idea honestly. Since the books ended and the show is as good as Paw Patrol, no one's really documenting what's happening here and let me say things haven't cooled down at all here. Signal just changed so we have to get going now.

Huh, what a coincidence...the day I get this journal the fat controller announces an eclipse will be seen from the island. A once in a lifetime experience, how exciting is that? A big party is going to be held at Knapford, only downside is that we've all been given extra night trains to deal with the extra traffic, but eh nothing we can do for it. And besides, the engines shouldn't have that much trouble. There is a pretty big roster here, much bigger than I honestly expected. Obviously everyone from the Railway series is here. I wouldn't expect Awdry to be the type of person to lie or make up engines. However, who I didn't expect to see here were any of the television series characters...well I would be lying if I didn't say I wasn't hoping for at least some of them to be here. However everyone that's appeared up to Season 9 of the show are here some being here for a long time. The only two other engines here that haven't appeared in books or show are Sedrick and Rodger, engines with stories that can be told another time. Anyway back on the main topic, we aren't sure when exactly the eclipse is going to be arriving however Topham will make sure to bring us all of the speed with the lastest news as he could. I'll update this if anything new comes up!

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