My name is Castiel

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Cas looked through the clear window that peeped into senior dance practice room 24, wow, how he envied this guy, his flexibility was astounding, his body was flawless, he was

It was inevitable! Every guy cas had ever liked had either been strait or damn right mean!

But still, can't blame a guy for dreaming.

-shit- the blonde dancer noticed the stares from castiel, he was walking over to him, this couldn't end well.

"you ok?" he asked in his deep Texas accent, he even sounded beautiful.

"yes, I am fine!" cas answered awkwardly

"are you sure?"

"I am castiel." he pointed out....gracefully. Dean gave him a puzzled look

"umm.. What?"

"my name is castiel, I'm going to go flush my self down a toilet now!" he pointed out casually. Dean laughed "urrr, you looking for someone?" he asked

"oh, not particularly" his brain had a blank /say any thing he will forget all of this soon, jut a simple bye would be fine/

"would you like a bottle of water?" /what?/

Dean looked confused

"I just thought, you look hot.. Not that type of hot, as in sweaty...not that your not good looking, you are good looking, but... Wait it's not that your sweaty, it's just dance takes a lot of muscles, especially core muscles, and leg muscles, so if you didn't sweat i'd be worried, because all people sweat so they don't over heat, unless you have extremely thin blood, if so-I would recommend going to the hospital!" /*face palm*/

"I'm sorry" castiel apologized

Dean smiled "who did you say you were again?" he asked curiously

"my name is Castiel Jimmy Novaks, from phycology."

"hi Castiel, you want a drink?" he asked slightly worried for the dark haired stranger

"I have a bottle of water, it's in my bag, I wouldn't offer you water if I didn't have any, I'm not lucifer!" cas stopped for a second and replayed that sentence in his head

"not as in Satan, that would be a bit extreme, my brothers name is lucifer!" he pointed out, it wouldn't be the first time someone thought he was a satanist when he just was talking about his elder brother

"right" dean said as other students walked out until there was just dean and cas in the door way

Dean went to change his shirt and trousers, Castiel blushed ,/stop blushing! He'll notice!/ dean turned to cas fully changed "I was more thinking to go get a drink, you look like you could use one" he pointed out cas smiled "umm, alright" he smiled.

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