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The night would always be remembered, they watched the sun sink down and the stars rise up, talking aimlessly
"Your a batman guy?"
"No!...I am batman"
"It's not meant to be"
Dean laughed "well it was good whilst it lasted'
Cas smiled back breathing noticeable, like his lungs were heavy, but it flew past him, like dean was the only one in the world
Castiel leaned into dean until they're lips met, dean placed his hand on Castiels cheek, they stayed there until a nessecery breath was taken, it wasn't like the first kisses with other people, it wasnt the casual happy first kiss, it was wanting, like that was all they ever wanted, they layed there with they're foreheads resting against eachother, laying in the dim light of what was left of sun.
It felt like hours, just laying there, confertable silence, just holding each other.
"We should get back"
Dean commented an hour before they even talked again,
"Seriously" dean said sitting up with Castiel "I had a great time" he commented
"Yeah" dean smiled staring, no, drowning in Castiels eyes.

The drive home was mostly dean mostly shouting to his radio , cas just watching, laughing. a truly great time

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