2X i love you

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Weeks went buy, Dean spent every minute he could muster with castiel, they ditched most class's, they ate fancy meals, cas came out to his family, Dean did too, they spent most of castiels life savings on days out and bucket list breaking
It was on a day where they had a picnic together... It was then-

"How long have we been together?"
"6 months dean"
"How much longer?"
"2 weeks" he replied looking down solemnly
Cas looked at him, his head tilted to the left showing that he was confused
"Cas, I don't care how long your gonna live, we will be together, dead or alive"
"Dean......it's a disorder to be attracted to dead bodi-"
"Cas! I didn't mean that, I meant, I will love you, always, no matter where we are, this world or not"
"Till death do we part"
"Screw death"
"Cas. Death is a state of mind, you can keep going if you believe you can"
"Cas, your fine"
"You'll survive, your completely healthy"
"Look at me"
"I am looking at you"
"No, don't look at what you think is there, look at me"
Suddenly the perfectly healthy castiel that was once there, his hair blowing in the wind, his eyes glimmering in the sunlight, the castiel that was wearing his shirt that cling to him, the castiel that had chapped lips, and perfect skin, the perfect weight, the perfect castiel, disappeared.
Deans breath locked, who was this man in front of him? Why did he have wires and tubes basically strangling him, why was he so, so, so skinny, why did eyes not glimmer any more, why were his lips so dry? Why was his shirt hanging off him like a tent, where was his hair? Who was he?
"Dean, it's me"
Dean had always had trouble showing his real feelings, if he did cry, it was a single tear, a steady structure of his masculinity, that single tear showed that things were really bad, this wasn't a single tear, this was a flood of tears, this was crying, real crying.
Cas's tears started following deans lead
"Cas, I can't lose you too, first my mom, then my dad, my friends, my grandad, Jo, Ellen" tears were streaming down deans defined features, over his jaw line and on to the leather of his jacket
"Cas, I can fix this"
"I was never broken dean"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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