Coffee and Questions

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They sat at the homely burger bar with coffee cups sitting in their hands facing each other, "So, Castiel" dean started "birthday?"

"first of January" Castiel took a sip of his drink

"favorite colour?"


"book or movie?"


"Bert and -"


"fish and-"


"punch and-"


"Ron and-"


"Tom and-"


"cheese and-"

"pie and-"


"your name is-"


"your are-"


"your last name is-"


"you like-"

"bumble bees"

"you think I'm-"


Dean had a smug little grin creep across his face as cas went bright red

"I, uhhh, I, umm, well, you see, um, right, I'll let myself out" he stood up before dean grabbed his hand to stop him

"come on dude, at least finish your coffee. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable just because I'm beautiful"

Cas looked down to deans smug smile "your becoming less and less beautiful the more cocky you become." dean laughed as cas sat down.

"sorry," he chuckled softly "seriously though, tell me about yourself" he insisted

"my name is Castiel Jimmy Novak, I come from Kansas, I like bees and music and drawing, I have 7 other brothers and sisters and I was raised by my eldest, Michael, I have a tattoo on my back of a pair of wings ands and I'm studying to be a phycologist, what about you?" he answered

"Ok, my name is Dean John Winchester, I like pie and rock music and vintage cars, all cars really, I have a little brother called Sammy, and... I think that's it." he smiled his cocky smile,

Castiel coughed "I guess we're rather different then"

"you know what they say, opposites attract."

They both smiled at each other.


Sorry its a terrible ending..

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