5. Bangerang!

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(Was in the trees watching the night sky enjoying the peace and quiet away from the crew she felt happier)

Pockets: Hey Y/n! *she looks down the tree and see him and No nap waving at her she jumps down and lands like a superhero then stands up*

Pockets, No nap: Whow...

Y/n: Yes?

Pockets: It's time to eat *takes her hand and drag's her*

Y/n: Whow slow down little man

No nap: Come on

(They got to the table as more of the Lost Boys joins Y/n takes a seat soon Peter joins the table he sits down next to Y/n as one Lost boy placed a pan in front of him he grabs two spoons ready to dig in)

Latchboy: No, no, no we don't use them

Peter: Why you have them?

Latchboy: We have those so we don't have to use them *Thud butt sits next to him making the other side of the seat go up and everyone slide down to them*

Thud butt: Don't crowd me! *Gets up to walk away*

(As Y/n was given a plate looks up and sees Rufio looking right at her sitting in front of her she looks down at her play then slowly looks back up to meet his eyes again she then noticed a sparkle in his eyes as he notice the same in hers he then looks side aside from his side seeing everyone settled in then he meets her eyes again as he puts both of his hands together soon the others follow everyone except for her not knowing what's going on)

Rufio: Everybody say "Grace"

Peter: Bless this, O Lord-

Lost boys: Grace!

(The boys soon we get to open steaming pans to see so many different foods meat and dessert)

Latchboy: Here Y/n try this *gives her a piece of bread she looks at him confused* go ahead try it

(Y/n looked at the bread before taking a bite she could taste the warmness of the bread but there's a sweetness to it and a stickiness)

Y/n: Honey?

Latchboy: Yeah

Y/n: *Eye's widen a bit* Not bad

Rufio: Hmm... Here *fills up her plate* you need to eat *place her plate back in front of her* you'll need your strength

Y/n: ...Thanks *she begins to eat but then here's Tink and Peter talking*

Peter: What's the deal? Where's the real food?

Tinker Bell: If you can't imagine yourself being Peter Pan you won't be Peter Pan so eat up

Peter: Eat what? There's nothing here Gandhi ate more than this

Tinker Bell: Don't remember? This used to be your favorite game

Peter: Forget the games I want some real food I want steak I want eggs I want a cup of coffee

Rufio: You can't eat your heart out you crinkled wrinkled *grabs a plate to toss it to him* fatbag

Peter: You're a very ill-mannered young man do you know that

Rufio: You're a slug-eating worm

Tinker Bell: Come on you can do better than that

Peter: I can't believe you're encouraging this

Rufio: Yeah yeah now show me your fastball dustbrain you punch you sag-bottom puke pot

Boy's: Bangerang, Rufio!

Peter: You are a very poor role model for these kids do you know that? *the boys whistle and intimidate a explosion* I bet you don't have a fourth grade reading level

Rufio: Hemorrhoidal suck-navel

Peter: Maybe a fifth grade reading level *the boys whistled and intimidated and explosion*

Rufio: Boil dripping beef fart-sniffing bubble butt

Boy's: Bangerang, Rufio!

Peter: Someone has a severe caca mouth do you know that?

Rufio: You are a fart factory slug slime sack of rat guts and cat vomit cheesy scab picked pimple squeezing finger bandage a week old maggot burger with everything on it and flies on the side

Boy's: Ew!

Y/n: *quietly* I lost my appetite now *gets up to walk away but felts a foot wrapped around her leg as of telling her to stay once she looks at the shoe she recognized red shoes they were rufios she meets his eyes his gaze tell her to stay so she sits back down as Peter stood up*

Peter: Substitute chemistry teacher

Ace: Come on Rufio hit him back

Rufio: Mung tougue

Peter: Math tutor

Rufio: Pinhead

Peter: Prism Barber

Rubio: Mother lover

Peter: Nearsighted gynecologist

Rufio: In your face camel cake

Peter: In your ear cow derriere

Rufio: Lying crying spying prying ultra pig!

Peter: You lewd crude bag of prechewed food dude

Thud butt: Bangerang, Peter!

Boy's: Bangerang, Peter

Rufio: You man! Stupid stupid man!

Peter: Rufio if I'm a maggot burger why don't you just eat me! You two toned zebra headed slime coated pimple farming paramecium brain munching on your own mucus suffering from Peter Pan envy!

Don't ask: What's a paramecium brain?

Peter: I'll tell you what a paramecium is *points at Rufio* that's a paramecium! It's a one cell crater with no brain that can't fly don't mess with me man I'm a lawyer *sits down*

(The going to chant Banning as they're all choosing Peter's side Rufio tried to get a chant going of his name but it fails)

Peter: Oh Rufio why don't you just go suck on a dead dog's nose? *flicked his spoon towards Rubio as frosting gets on his face Peter's eyes widen as they know he's now seeing what they're seeing*

Too small: You're doing it

Peter: Doing what?

Pockets: Using your imagination Peter *the boys smile and continue to eat there hearts out as Y/n see Rufio getting up and leave the table Y/n wanted to go talk to him*

Latchboy: Y/n

Y/n: Him?- *got him with frosting soon a food fight begins Peter stands on the table throwing frosting*

Peter: Bangarang!

Boy's, Y/n: Bangerang! *thay all throw frosting at Peter soon a coconut was thrown to him*

Tinker Bell: Peter look out!

Ace: Peter watch out *had toss Peter a sword he easily catched it and sliced the coconut in two all stare at him once Peter realize that he had done he drops the sword but Y/n looks where the coconut came from and sees Rufio he was walking away she gets up from her seat and follows him*

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