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- Alcohol

Quackity POV

It's just a usual day. Paperwork, meetings, and planning. This is the life of running a country. If I want Las Nevadas to thrive, I have to pay the price.

I sigh and get up, taking a quick break from everything. I look out the window and see that the sun was setting, It's warmth slowly disappearing behind the horizon.

' What time is it..? ' I think to myself.

I turn to look at my wall, a clock hanging from it. The clock hands showed the time, 8:14.

" 8:14.. P.M.. I was supposed to leave work over three hours ago.. " I mutter to myself.

I walk over to the paperwork, I quickly finish the paper I was working on and head out for the night. On my way out, I decide on what I should do once I leave.

' Should I just go home? It'd be so boring though..'

As I exited the building, I looked around at the glowing lights of Las Nevadas, illuminating the now dark blue sky.

I then had a quick idea, ' Maybe a bit of alcohol wouldn't hurt.. '

I then make my way to the bar. It's my usual go-to, after a long and stressful day at work, get a small drink and usually spend most of the night there.

[] At the bar []

I open the glass doors, slowly entering the bar. I sat down at one of the stools as the bartender walked over to me.

" Congrats, this is the 6th time this week. " she said sarcastically.

I shove face into my arms and groan, " Shut up.. "

" Anyways, what would you like? "

" The usual please, " I mumble loud enough for her to hear.

" Coming right up! "

After about a minute, she slid me a shot and I downed the entire thing.

A few seconds later I yell, " Another shot! " and she slides me one.

Everything is rinse and repeat for the next 6 or so shots, did I also mention that they're very strong? By my 6th shot, I'm completely out of it, ready to pass out.

Then out of nowhere, I hear a familiar voice tell the bartender what drink they'd like. I have trouble making out who it is, it doesn't help that I still had my head shoved in my arms.

" I'm too fucking drunk for this shit.. " I mumble too myself.

I finally lift up my head to call for another shot. Before I say anything though, I look to my right. Just a couple seats down was a man with curly brown hair with a white streak running through it, he was wearing black ripped jeans, a trench coat, and glasses.

I can't help but find him rather attractive. I put my elbow on the bar and put my head in my hands, trying to think. I'm too drunk to know who he is, but all I can say is that he's hot..

I quickly look away, trying to look as if I hadn't been staring him. Hopefully he didn't notice.

I look at the bartender and raise my hand, " Another shot! "

She hands me another shot, but then gets closer as if to whisper something.

" Do you know who he is? " she asks me, gesturing to the man.

" No..? I mean, he seems familiar.. Why? " I answer truthfully.

" Nothing! Just saw you staring at him, that's all." She says, a small mischievous smile on her face as she walks away.

I look down at my shot, I could feel my cheeks burning.

' Why do I feel this way..? I don't recognize this feeling.. '

I grab my shot and quickly down it. I then get and leave. As I walk outside into the cool night air, I can't help but let out a sigh of relief.

' I should probably get home, tomorrow's gonna be a long day.. ' I think to myself as I slowly walk home, stumbling here and there.

I make it into my house, locking the door behind me. I walk into my bedroom and plop myself onto the bed, falling asleep as soon as possible.

[] A/N []

I finally got the courage to write a Dream SMP book! This is the first time making a ship book, so please bear with me. First chapter and Quackity's already called Wilbur hot :']

Total Word Count: 722

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